Feel really rough today!!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Woke up this morning and felt really sick with a bit of a head ache. After a bit the head ache went but ive felt sick all day and really light headed, i noticed this morning bright pink when i wiped and then tiny bits of spotting through the day but im not due on till sunday/monday.. Do you guys think this could be the start of af? feel really pants...
could be implantation bleed hun

good luck!
do you think? Cant believe how sick i feel, i've honeslty thought i was gonna pass out today too because when ive been getting up i've been feeling sooo dizy...
Sorry you are feeling pooh, but it sounds really promising. Good luck
fingers crossed then eh.... Last month i was 5 days late for af and i started spotting on the day af was due and carried on till i came on 5 days late..
I never felt sick tho.... errr...
I know exactly how you are feeling, my period was due about 10 days ago Im testing tomorrow but so nervous cos I so desperately dont want a negative, but all day today I have had really bad headaches and very light headed too. Dont feel too sick but certain smells are turning my stomach. My fingers are crossed for the both of us - lets hope :)
Woke up this morning and felt really sick with a bit of a head ache. After a bit the head ache went but ive felt sick all day and really light headed, i noticed this morning bright pink when i wiped and then tiny bits of spotting through the day but im not due on till sunday/monday.. Do you guys think this could be the start of af? feel really pants...
could be implantation bleed hun

good luck!
do you think? Cant believe how sick i feel, i've honeslty thought i was gonna pass out today too because when ive been getting up i've been feeling sooo dizy...
Sorry you are feeling pooh, but it sounds really promising. Good luck
fingers crossed then eh.... Last month i was 5 days late for af and i started spotting on the day af was due and carried on till i came on 5 days late..
I never felt sick tho.... errr...
I know exactly how you are feeling, my period was due about 10 days ago Im testing tomorrow but so nervous cos I so desperately dont want a negative, but all day today I have had really bad headaches and very light headed too. Dont feel too sick but certain smells are turning my stomach. My fingers are crossed for the both of us - lets hope :)
well af got me this morning.... GREAT... I bled a bit this morning and since then nothing.. I hate spotting... just wish i could get pregnant.. Why does it have to be this hard???
:hug: :hug: :hug: Thought you could do with one

Im not feeling great, been up throughout the night feeling sick. Decided to get out of bed so i dont disturb DH, maybe later e can guve me some sympothy and do all the runing around - not likely but it would be nice!!!!

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