

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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I was wondering if anyone has had any issues with having an epidural? My husband read up on them and all the issues that have a small chance of happening and we even got into an argument because he doesn't want me to have one because of the risks.

I do want to try and not have an epidural, but if the pain is too bad I think I will be screaming for one, unless there are common issues.
I haven't had an epidural, but I had an emergency spinal block for a c-section, and no problems at all! It feels very strange but within 24 hours I had all feeling back (I wish it had lasted longer tbh!)

Again, I didn't have an epi but an emergancy spinal and I had no issues at all. I was moving my legs within about half hour after surgery (the midwife seemed a bit shocked at this though) and didn't have back pain or anything. Just a teenie tiny round scab where the needle went in lol.
I've had a couple of epi's and I'd recommend them, amazing! x
no problem with my epi...there are other pain killers to have first before having an epidural xxx
I've had alot of back probs since mine.

It took 4 attempts to get it in & it was very uncomfortable, but that was just unlucky I think.
I had one with my first and it was totally fine xxxx
Thanks for the comments ladies.
Geminiblue, I do intend to try others first but would like to the epi to fall back on if needed.
littlemiss83, did it still work for you? Do you regret having it? Sorry to hear about your issues with it. That is what my husband is worried about.

I spoke to MW this morning and she has put my mind at ease a bit, but just wish hubby was there so he could have heard it from her too.
I've had one and had no problems at all, it didn't even hurt when they put it in! x
I had to sign a disclaimer form about long term back pain after it. Backs still the same now, need to see a physio regularly. I'm one of the unlucky ones. And no, it didn't work during labour as it had worn off & it didn't get topped up.
I haven't had any problems since having an epidural, but it didn't work for me and I had the most horrendous pain down my right leg with every contraction. They were about to take it out and re-do it but I got the urge to push and was too far along so had to deal with the pain in my leg.
Now I'm worried about the thing not working and is if there is any point in trying it. Please tell me I'm just being overly stupid in how much I am looking into this whole thing. :D
I also had one area , down one side but more in my groin than my leg, where the pain did not go.

I got it topped up but it was too near when they wanted to me to start pushing, and although pain freee, it was really horrible as I was so numb I couldnt feel a thing!
Didnt know when to push or not, just couldnt feel a thing.
It took me over two 1/2 hours to push my baby out and i was so tired and the MW were having a go at me saying your not pushing hard enough I had NO FEELING, I was shattered.
So for me, I wish I had never had that top up!!
But dont regret having it as was in severe pain before the first one.

I have lower back pain all the time since, but not sure if due to epidural or the pregnancy.
Now I'm worried about the thing not working and is if there is any point in trying it. Please tell me I'm just being overly stupid in how much I am looking into this whole thing. :D

No of course your not being stupid, you're just trying to find out all the information before you make your decision. Epridural is a serious medical procedure & it can be very dangerous, its an injection into the spine which obviously can lead to paralysis, of course its something to seriously consider!!

That doesn't mean to say that you shouldn't have it, or that something will go wrong. Look at all the positive responses from the ladies on this thread. You might not have the option as to wether you want it or not. I had to have mine as baby's heart had stopped beating & they wanted to prepare me for a section. So its not always an option, as I said i'd never have one.

I'd say do as much research as you can - have a look at a few websites...google can be good for this sort of thing. Read up on the procedure & the risks.

Before I had the epidural I also was feeling the contractions in my back, that stopped as soon as the epidural was in. I'm sure the pain in my leg came from my LO pushing against a nerve.
Most women have epidurals and are fine hun. x
I've not had one but I think we have to remember there are risks with all drugs and just weigh up the options and decide what's right at the time. Sometimes not having something is far worse. I plan to go down the drug free route but at the same time if there are suddenly risks out of my control like my baby's life or my life is in any danger I would do whatever is needed to give baby the best chance so if that means emergency surgery and an epidural then I would do it. Maybe you should chat with your OH about this kind of thing that you wouldn't take the option of an epidural lightly and only have one if necessary?
I had said i wouldn't have any drugs and would use the birthing pool but i had to be induced so my plan went out the window, i started panicing from the pain, there's no way I'd have managed without it!

My body is weird so it was too successful - i have a medical condition that means i don't respond to aesthetics like "normal" people. The local they put in before hand wasn't left long enough to work even tho my body needs longer to go numb from it, so i felt more of the epidural going in than i should have. The epidural itself though, i respond to much much quicker. I was told 10 to 20 mins to take effect, mine worked in 3! 2 hours after it went in, they realised i couldn't feel anything below my boobs as i had responded so well. They had to turn it off before my heart and lungs were also numbed. After another 2 hours it had worn off enough that i was just starting to feel contractions so it got put back on, in time to examine me and for me to start pushing.

I could still feel a lot of pressure so i was able to push effectively (40mins) but had no pain except the head crowning. I think its a pity that labour isn't more predictable as id happily have it that low towards the end again!
I planned to use the pool and gas and air and hypnobirthing but I was induced and had a 3 day labour, in the end they basically forced me to have an epidural as I was contracting every couple of minutes and couldnt lie down through them cos it made the pain worse, after 48 hours of your feet, you'll agree to anything. I was annoyed as I was coping with the pain, using my hypnobirthing, it was more the need for sleep that was killing me, I just kept crying. They pumped it up to the max, probably in the hope that Id go to sleep and stop bawling :lol:

I hated the epidural, mostly cos I felt bullied into having it, and really didnt want to be paralysed on a bed. I had 8 or 9 wires coming from my body, it was a million miles away from the waterbirth I had been envisaging!! I wouldve coped with it better if I had allowed myself to consider that things might go wrong. But then again, I had a very calm pregnancy because of my refusal to see the half empty glass :lol:
I had an epidural last week and it gave me some well earned rest from incredibly painful contractions.
I didn't start out wanting one but was so thankful I did. I had no side effects and it didn't hurt at all, it was just difficult to keep still when they were injecting and I was having a contraction. I think you need to see what your pain threshold is first and not rule anything out.
I had one, it was amazing and I'm definitely having one if there's a next time! Afterwards I had the odd shooting nerve pain up my back for a couple of weeks but would still have another in a heartbeat.

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