Embarrassing question...

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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:oops: Hi girls.

Sorry if this is TMI but I'm finding it really hard to keep 'fresh' the day after making love. :oops: I shower and wash really well, sometimes twice, but it doesn't seem to make any difference, and if I get warm at all next day, I smell bad. I don't like to use feminine hygiene washes because I'm prone to thrush and have given it to myself many times through over cleaning "down below".

Was wondering if anyone had a miracle home remedy? I work in close proximity to a lot of people and I would really hate to think that they've gone home and thought "gosh she really smelled".

Sorrry for this topic didn't know where else to put it...

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Hello :wave:

We dont mind embarrassing questions here - takes a lot to shock us!

Is this a recent problem or something you have always had? If it is recent perhaps you have some kind of infection? Either way a trip to the doc might be the best thing (I bet it wont shock them either!)

Hope you get better soon :hug:
:D Sally, it's a problem I've always had. It's just that especially since we're trying for our second, the sperm is what I'm smelling (oh gosh sorry so embarrassed) :oops: :oops: If we were using condoms I wouldn't have that problem but I definitely need it to be in there.


I have an appointment for a smear on Friday though so I think I'll defo ask then.

Yeah I would ask away! I normally have a really long list of embarrassing questions when I see the doctor. I hardly ever go to the docs but when I do, I actually take a written list in with me! :oops:
Hi Sue
I have noticed a difference in how I smell 'the morning after' too, since we stopped using condoms.
I think it's just that I am aware of it, but i think (and certainly hope) it's not noticeable to other people.
Do you think it might be the same for you?
actually it is true you can smell the sperm no matter how many times u wash. thas why people say "you smell like sex". i only wash with water just sit in the bath, using soap etc just makes it worse and makes you itch. i doubt other poeple can smell it on you tho lol
I agree, you can shower, use wipes etc after sex but I find you can still smell it! and its not the nicest smell in the world lets face it. Whats worse is that male and female smells together are even worse! I highly doubt that anyone else can smell it though, you would have to be pretty bloody close to someone and their face be in your crotch! Which as a general rule doesnt happen very often! :lol: I wouldnt worry at all Tiny Sue, I bet you are more aware of it than anyone else.
I think we are sensitive to the smell on us but no-one else can smell it.
Just warm water is your best bet or a warm bath with a drop of tea tree oil in it!

i wash it once with water after sex then wait 15 minutes and wash again then put this feminine talc stuff it smells nice and stops you from keeping too much "moisture" down there so you dont get itchy. then just give it another good wash in the morning and try to like wash inside a bit :oops:
Hi, i think i can help you out with this one hun. Me and my bf had the same problem and the next day I could smell the sperm quite bad. I couldnt get rid of the smell no matter what and I could smell it for the whole day, I was embarrassed and knew I had to find a solution and QUICK so I researched the problem on the internet. We found out the problem eventually by process of elimination, it was either too much alcohol or too much coffee. He quit the coffee for 2 days and I never experienced the problem again. A couple of weeks later he drank more than 4 cups of black coffee one particular day and I knew immediately he had as the problem returned as it smelled awful again. He now drinks no more than 3 cups per day and dilutes it with a little milk if possible. I have not experienced a problem with the alcohol he is pleased to learn!!! sigh :rotfl: Give it a test it worked for us. Also cut out too much spicey food if its not either the coffee or the alcohol as these 3 things can cause "smelly sperm" Let me know if it works :hug:
^^^ hmm that's interesting.

I have had this same problem ever since I became sexually active, and I have talked to the Dr about it as it seemed so strong to me and I was convinced others could smell it! I had a pap smear to rule out any infections but it came back clear. I think I get thrush often too but it goes away pretty quickly without treatment.

I think having baths would help, but don't use soap or anything down there. Now I don't think others can smell it TBH, we're just so aware of it but I've never smelt it on someone else!

You already know this but it is important to avoid any 'feminine hygiene washes', you do not need them and they often cause more harm than good. Your vag is self-cleaning and those things just interfere!
Well I went to the nurse for my smear test and asked her about the "smelly" problem. She said that I could have something called Bacterial vaginosis which is an overgrowth of bacteria down there and she'd do a swab, but really she thought I was just self conscious and more aware of these things than other people.

We'll see

Have you tried using femenine wipes with a low PH? They shouldn't give you thrush. I use avons femenine wash in the bath because it has a low PH therefore prevents thrush, they also do wipes and a spray in the same range.
dont know if this will help, but i tend to wash after having sex (obviously an hour or 2 if you wanna keep spermies in there for a while) then i use babys talc to get rid of all the moisture just all round the area and then have a bath or shower in the morning and do the same.
it has always worked for me leaves u smelling fresh like a daisy :rotfl:
Hi all -

I actually posted this a couple of days ago but it didn't post. Has something gone wrong with the site?

I went to the nurse for my smear test and told her about my little problem. She said that it could be something called bacterial vaginosis and that she could take a swab. Otherwise she said that I was probably noticing it and others weren't.

The swab came back normal so I guess it's just the smelly sperm...I will get hubby to give up beer and coffee....yeah like that will happen.... :roll: :rotfl:

Thanks for all advice...

I don't think it has anything to do with alcohol and coffee as I have always had the same problem too and me & OH don't drink alcohol (well maybe once in like a blue moon) & we don't like coffee. I think it just something that happens.
It was definately the coffee for us because we tested it over 2 weeks. When he drank excessive coffee it happened and when he didnt drink it one particular day it disappeared completely. I know if he has had 3 or more cups as i can smell the sperm (sorry if tmi) and ill ask him if hes been drinking coffee a lot. He will admit it of course... he doesnt drink any more than 3 cups now and everything is fine. If he lapses on one particular day i know right away though. I researched this on the net and several sites said this could be the cause so its fact. Just to let you know as the above post obviously doesnt realise that this has happened to us as well. Good luck hun x
Ok I think this is working now. Sorry girls I have been out of touch because of pc problems.

I went to the nurse who said basically that she would do a swab at the same time as my smear and test for bacterial vaginosis but it came back clear...so basically she said I was probably more aware of it than anyone else and not to worry.

OMG I thought it was just me or my hub who had smelly sperm!
I know exactly what you mean hun xx

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