early/slow labour 34 weeks


Nov 8, 2009
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Hi Ladies, I was just wondering if maybe I could be in early labour. With my last 3 my waters have always gone first and then with Dillan my last I had to have a drip to get things going so this feels weird.
It started Friday with just tightenings like Braxton hicks but not painful which then Saturday turned into contractions but not regular and I had a bleed with what looked like a blood clot not a show Ive had that previously and it looked different. I went into hospital and they advised I stayed because of the fresh blood when they examined me I was put on the monitor and baby was doing great. The contraction one was about on 4 and went up to about 20ish everytime I was getting one so I think its just mild contractions but they never said anything about them. I discharged myself because I know baby is ok and that im not in labour yet. They seemed to stop but today and yesterday i keep getting them its only one every now and again and its only mild but there still there and defo proper contractions.
My second was born at 33 weeks and my 3rd at 36 weeks so i am higher risk of having another early baby.
Do you think maybe im in early labour? I have been sat doing as little as possible just incase, but just wondered if maybe its early/ slow labour maybe? Its really worrying me about having another preemie baby xxx
if you had had babies early before and it feels the same it might be hun have you asked to talk to your consultant just incase you can had steriods for the baby's lungs if you start going into labour early?? hopefully being that you had had babies before they are really really strong braxton hicks as they are ment to get stronger with each baby x x x x
Yeah totally agree with Evie, try and get the steroids on board if you can.

Do you know why you've had early babies? My 5 have all been early as well :(

At the minute hun, try and rest as much as possible and if you think things are persisting or changing ring your Delivery ward xx
Thanks Ladies, i never even thought about asking for the steroid injection. I will have to ask about them. They didn't seem to know much at the hospital and didn't even say where the blood was from. They said take it easy and see your midwife when you next have to go. if anything happens to come back. These are defo real contractions they are not really painful but they still make me pause and think ouchy. they seem to be getting more than they were but still nothing regular or really painful. They have no idea why I had them early, My first was a girl born at full term then my 2 boys have been early.
Hi Cheryl, no advice i'm afraid as mine have always been late, but if your worried you should see mw or doc. Hope things settle down for you x
Hope everything is ok Hun and you get the steroids on board :hug:
Still getting contractions on and off but they seem to have settled down from what they was. they started to get stronger last night and at one point they were coming every 7 mins apart then they stopped again and i am just getting one every now and again. Ill be 35 weeks tomorrow and I feel better when I get there. Just trying to take one day at a time and keep him in as long as possible and not over doing things xxx
Glad your taking it easeier - sounds like it won't be too long til you meet your bubs x

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