Thanks for replying, it's so scary. I was having lower back pain on my left side, went to put the washing in and had an intense back pain. I wasn't sure if I was going to get up again. I did and went to bed for a little while as the pain was really bad. Through out the day my leg started to swell a lot and get very numb and purple and the more I was walking the worse it got. So went to a&e. Who sent me for a scan which it did not show up on. They kept me on injections for 5 days as we're very unsure what was going on and was re scanned yesterday and they found a very big clot. They think it is caused by how baby is laying.... It's really scary I can't seem to find that much advice from other people so thought it was worth writing on here. I think only 1-1000 people get it. If anyone has any symptoms like this go to your doctors straight away. It could save your life. Blood clots are dangerous and if I had left it it could have gone to my lungs.inwill get more answers on Monday. But I'm staying positive and have some great people around me x