Dreaming of Ex's


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Is anyone dreaming about there ex's.

I did when i was preggers with Ellis and I am now, i hate it its soooo annoying, I wake up every morning thinking WHY!!!!!!!!!

I have and not just the last one but my 1st 'proper' boyfriend as well!!! although am pleased to say that they havent been 'happy ever after dreamds' weird, my nightmare is being in the throes of labour and screaming out their name :? :? :?
and I am very very happily married so why?????
some of the dreams have been about getting revenge and all the things that I wished I had done at the time!!!!!!
I keep dreaming I am a lesbian :shock:

Not sure what that is all about :rotfl:
wow I am glad its not just me!! I also am happy with my DF and get sooo annoyed when my ex's are in my dreams. But i guess i should count myself lucky cos I am not a lesbo yet hehe hehe only joking madam!! haha

I had the exact same dreams, ex-boyfriends and ex-school friends etc, the ex-bf's were the worst dreams. So very vivid and real, hated them. They lasted about a fortnight then just suddenly stopped.
Yes i do too :? I am happily married so wake up feeling incredibly guilty!

My ex and i didn't part on good terms, in fact he probably hates my guts which i do feel guilty about - but i keep dreaming of ways to win him back :eek: :wall:

Am really glad i'm not the only one dreaming about their ex's.
I go through periods of getting really weird dreams - a few times I've actually woke up and my pillow is wet because I've been totally sobbing my heart out!! I like remembering my dreams though :roll:
I have dreamt about my exs and their families!

Then I had a terrifying dream where my current partner was with another women and admitted to only staying with me because I was pregnant with his child!

This upset me and I woke up in tears!! hehe!

then I went on to dream about being in New York (never been, but reeeeallly wanna go) and we stayed in a place called East Staunton (dont think it even exists) but it was horrible and dangerous!! but it was allll so vivid!

very strange!!

had a dream last night about a bot that i fancied when i was about 12!!! I dreamt that i had a baby boy and it was painless sort of just popped out, and then i went to tell him hes now a father lol. Funny as I havent even thought about him since i was about 13 im now 31!!!!

Also tried breast feeding baby and it sort f worked but not lol
omg yea i have been quite frequently but aint told a sole till now. thought it was just me and was wondering the same why?

i also get what if i did do this what would happen then, would we still be or would he be an ex still. does my head in
madam bully said:
I keep dreaming I am a lesbian :shock:

Not sure what that is all about :rotfl:

ive also done that too. dreamt of being with a woman and have men in the caravan on holiday too its so wierd :rotfl:

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