Double figures for me today! Yay...Hey Hey!


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Just noticed on my ticker (the scan due date one - am such a plonker :? lol), that I am down to double figures! :cheer:

99 days to go through all the labour pain.
Overusing gas and air, until it fills my brain.
Panting and puffing...Pushing the baby out.
Crying and screaming, may even want to shout.

99 more days to anticipate the joy
Of finally holding my girl or boy.
Of softly whispering words of love.
And sending prayers of thanks to up above,

All the pain and discomfort of 9 months
Will simply melt away.
Bringing just a pain in the butt
For all the rest of your days.

But no pain will you ever love
Only a child you have had.
And the days that they test your love
Just hand 'em to their dad!

What a poet I am lol....I will prob get chucked off the forum now for being a psycho lol :roll:

I am very happy to be in double figures. It doesn't seem so far away now. :D

Had some bleeding this morning. Have some residue now. But I had it four weeks ago too. Spotted with my boy. So, it's just another side affect of having my cruel, cruel body!lol :rotfl:

I know I talk too much, but I cannot help it :oops: . Thank you for all you ladies who put up with me! :hug:

Sophs :cheer:
:cheer: you'll be another one joining us in 3rd tri soon!! Everyone else seems ready to pop so it'll be good to have some people at the same stage as us, plus more familiar faces
Wath out 3rd Tri....Here comes Fuffins!lol

I am strangely nervous about 3rd tri...I did not speak much in 1st Tri. have spoke loads in here. So, leaving 2nd tri, is like leaving a well worn comfort blanket behind. I will have to pop back in like you Clare :)
:D Great poem! Must be lovely to reach 99 days - look forward to joining you soon xx
Iv only got 99 days too!
Im starting to get really nervous!! :shock:
if im not with you guys, im very close behind!!! scary isnt it?!
mandspice said:
:D Great poem! Must be lovely to reach 99 days - look forward to joining you soon xx

Thank you for praising my poetry genius....I was starting to think it was unappreciated :rotfl:

Yes ladies who are at 99 days and near by. It is very scary, but oh so exciting! :cheer:

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