don't let me go out again..


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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my mum had aiden for an overnight for the first time last night so i went out with my friends to the pub, and john had his friends over.

i'm so mortified :oops: i did so many stupid things i am sooo embarrassed :oops:

i should never be allowed alcohol again :?

now i'm well hungover, and john and his brother are laughing at me, telling me everything i done :oops:
Awww Hun!

Sounds familiar ! :oops: :oops: :lol:

I bet you had a good time whilst you was doing them though! And thats all that matters!
Did you enjoy yourself though?? Thats the main thing!!
Im so looking forward to a night out!!
:dance: roll on them days for me... I cant wait to make an idiot outa myself!
1 sniff of wine and ill be :sleep:
right miss thats way to vacant of info for me you can not tell us you did silly things and not tell us :shakehead:

come on spill the goss :cheer:

im so jealous id love a night out minus the hangover of course :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

least you had a good night

Hope the hangover goes soon
:rotfl: :rotfl: that will be all those 9 months not drinking! Is good you got out and let your hair down!! :hug:
I remember that feeling well! :oops: It's been a while but used to quite regular up till trying for Brody :oops:
Don't worry we have all been there and as long as you had a good night never mind :cheer:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Geordie&Bairn said:
right miss thats way to vacant of info for me you can not tell us you did silly things and not tell us :shakehead:

come on spill the goss :cheer:

im so jealous id love a night out minus the hangover of course :rotfl:

sarah your lucky you didn't receive a phonecall from me during my drunken-ness :oops: i phoned loads of people in my phone at about 2am, talking crap to them.. :oops:

so - i was alright in the pub, i kept telling the barman i wanted loads of change back though because i was skint - i paid with a £20, the round came to £12 and he gave me £12 change back every time :lol:

we came back home and john and his friends were still drinking, i brought all my friends with me, but forgot that one of johns friends is agrophobic, and he started having panic attacks because there was too many people in the house :doh: i'm such an idiot - then he went home :(

then someone let my cat outside by accident, and he ran away, and i was running in my neighbours gardens looking for him, screaming 'charlieeeeeeee!!!!' then i started crying my eyes out - but we found him :cheer: all my neighbours were watching me, i'm so embarrassed :oops: this was about half 2 in the morning keep in mind :wall:

i also dropped a box of beers on the kitchen floor, some smashed and i picked the glass up and cut my hands :wall:

then i proceeded to pour beer on my friend because i thought she would find it funny - she didn't :wall: (why would she?!)

i can't remember anything from here, john and steven have told me the rest :oops: i was trying to play guitar hero on xbox live, i couldn't even get as far as selecting my character :lol:

then when we went to bed i kept asking john to have sex with me - but could hardly even walk by this point :wall: ATTRACTIVE.

god how embarrassing. i should have weaned myself onto the alcohol to avoid this kind of episode :wall: :lol:
sarafet said:
Geordie&Bairn said:
right miss thats way to vacant of info for me you can not tell us you did silly things and not tell us :shakehead:

come on spill the goss :cheer:

im so jealous id love a night out minus the hangover of course :rotfl:

sarah your lucky you didn't receive a phonecall from me during my drunken-ness :oops: i phoned loads of people in my phone at about 2am, talking crap to them.. :oops:

so - i was alright in the pub, i kept telling the barman i wanted loads of change back though because i was skint - i paid with a £20, the round came to £12 and he gave me £12 change back every time :lol:

we came back home and john and his friends were still drinking, i brought all my friends with me, but forgot that one of johns friends is agrophobic, and he started having panic attacks because there was too many people in the house :doh: i'm such an idiot - then he went home :(

then someone let my cat outside by accident, and he ran away, and i was running in my neighbours gardens looking for him, screaming 'charlieeeeeeee!!!!' then i started crying my eyes out - but we found him :cheer: all my neighbours were watching me, i'm so embarrassed :oops: this was about half 2 in the morning keep in mind :wall:

i also dropped a box of beers on the kitchen floor, some smashed and i picked the glass up and cut my hands :wall:

then i proceeded to pour beer on my friend because i thought she would find it funny - she didn't :wall: (why would she?!)

i can't remember anything from here, john and steven have told me the rest :oops: i was trying to play guitar hero on xbox live, i couldn't even get as far as selecting my character :lol:

then when we went to bed i kept asking john to have sex with me - but could hardly even walk by this point :wall: ATTRACTIVE.

god how embarrassing. i should have weaned myself onto the alcohol to avoid this kind of episode :wall: :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Shame you live so far away i think we should have a night out together :D
Awww, don't worry. I'm certain it wasn't all that bad. I went out with DH the other night, had only 3 drinks (two ciders and a Passoa on ice) and I was so tipsy. I'm such a lightweight :oops:
glad i gave you all a laugh at least :) :oops:

i spoke to my friend btw, she isn't annoyed at me for pouring a drink on her, thank god :D

feeling so rough now, we had a subway for lunch though, it was great :cheer:

aiden is home now, i missed my wee man loads - he even slept through from 9pm to 5am for my mum and dad :shock: why can't i do that?? :roll: i'm supposed to be having a bottle of wine with my friend tonight, somehow i don't think i'll manage it :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

everyone does embarassing things when plastered hun! Dont worry about it :D

Ive done sooooooo many drunken things. The first time i went out after having Izzie i was so drunk i kept bumping into this poor bloke while i was dancing. Ive been told that i didnt actually realise it was me bumping into him so according to my mates i decided i was going to fight him :rotfl: They calmed me down (i dont remember any of this) then they took me outside where i promptly fell over and got all upset because i wanted a McDonalds and didnt think i had anough money :rotfl:

We all do it, nowt to be ashamed of!! :hug:

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