Don't know where the time has gone!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
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Almost exactly 6 years ago to the minute my first little girl was born (she was born at 12.13am on 12 Sept 2002 by c/section after a very long labour) and I can remember much of it as if it were yesterday!!! I think reading some of the labour stories on here has really brought it all back - lots of women seem to have these nightmarish labours with their first child (thankfully it was much much easier 2nd and 3rd time around).

The thing is, I simply don't know where the time has gone - I've had two more girls since but it's absolutely flown - I am getting really scared now - in another 6 years she'll be about to enter teenagedom!!! I'm suddenly feeling very old!!! :shakehead:

Happy Birthday Daisy :cheer:

Thanks, I think Daisy had a nice birthday although we didn't do much due to being broke and new baby etc. She really wanted the Aladin DVDs so we got her those and had a special birthday tea for her.

I always get particularly emotional on Daisy's birthday - I don't think there's anything like the birth of your first child is there - I mean the others have been equally special but when I had Daisy it was all so new, and such an emotional and life-changing moment.

All the best,
That made me cry :cry: I feel very much the same about Tia... only this year I felt even more broody because I've just had another and it was all very fresh...

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