Does the breastfeeding pain stop?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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Gabrielle had problems latching on and lost a pound in 3 days. To get her weight up we fed her expressed breast milk (and topped up with formula in the first couple of days but only breastmilk in the last 4 weeks). I decided I was in too much pain to cope with the additional pain of breastfeeding. My midwife was quite militant in the way she told me to feed - she told me to sit up properly (which was agony with my stitches), tried to convince me to use a chair with no arms as it was a good height (which I would not have been able to get out of because of the SPD) and said that the position I was holding her was good so I should try breastfeeding every time she ate. I would be in tears every time so she has been on expressed breast milk since then.

She's more alert and awake now so I don't want to spend 4 hours a day expressing anymore. I tried breastfeeding the other day and she latched on for 5 mins (her longest record ever was 7 minutes so this is good) and although it was really sore it wasn't agony any more. Then I tried when she had eaten lots from the bottle and it wasn't sore at all.

She likes to chew and suck so I'd like to know if ir will always be sore or if it ever gets to be painfree all the time. If I knew it would become pain free I'd get help with the breastfeeding (you have to go to the hospital to meet an advisor and as we don't have a car thst's not a trip I have been up to before now :wall: ) but if the pain wil continue I don't know that I want to do that so we'll move to formula with just a bit of breastmik.

So when does the pain go? Or is it always there?
Breastfeeding should never be painful after the initial nipple soreness some women get.
If its still painful for you now then you need to look at your latch or check its not thrush or mastitis. All three of which are easily sorted with the correct advice / treatment.

Contact your HV who might or might not give you good advice.
If you can ask your midwife who will probably give you the best advice.

The best thing to do is ask a friend who you trust who has successfully BF to give you some help and advice.

There is the La Leche also - they have teams who are happy to help.

When do you get the pain? how long does baby feed for and are your nipples ok?
It does go. I think mine stop around 4 weeks. Then i started expressing about 6 weeks and the 1st couple attempts made me sore again but it's gone now.
But now, if i'm not paying attention i don't even know she's fallen asleep or come off! Thats how much i don't feel it!
budge said:
When do you get the pain? how long does baby feed for and are your nipples ok?

The pain is constant throughout feeding her, which takes about 20 mins or so but to be honest I have only given her a full feed from the breast twice in the last few weeks. If I give her my finger to begin with it's better as she chews on that and when I feel she's started to suck I can put her on. But she starts and stops every few minutes and always starts by chewing.

My nipples are fine. They are tougher now than they were because I've been expressing for 5 weeks. From what you girls have said it sounds like they just need a bit more toughening up and we should get a bit more help with positioning.

Thanks for your replies. They have reassured me so I will get the help we need and hopefully start breastfeeding successfully. :D
I agree with the other replies - breastfeeding shouldn't hurt per se.... but if you have mastitus (sp?) it would - do you have any red hard sore patches of skin close to your nipple?

Do you have any local breastfeeding support groups you could drop into. It's alovelly way to meet other new mums, plus there will be a HV on hand to talk you through any problems and/or help you with latching on advice etc. with the feeding in a relaxed environment.

Also - I always find it easiest to feed my son with a pillow on my lap to raise him up to the breast a bit more. Then you are able to sit more upright and get more comfortable, especially if your LO is on for a while :D

Best wishes hun, hope the breastfeeeding clicks with you and your bundle of joy soon. :hug:

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