Does MW always check stitches?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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At the hospital they said they would leave it for community MW to check stitches. First appointment she said she could check now or next appointment, so i said next as I had no pain or problems. During next appointment she didn't check them? Lo is two weeks tomz and MW is coming (was meant to be Monday but I rearranged) so will she want to check them tomz or will she just leave it? Don't really want her poking about to be honest, can I refuse?
Of course it's your body.

Mine didn't check, they asked each time and I said I have kept them clean and had baths, and that it's not sore and I was passing urine ok. But I would get in contact if I thought there was anything wrong.

After having the baby, I've had real body issues where I don't want to be exposed or seen in that way for a long time so it didn't bother me to tell them I was fine and didn't want to be checked.
As someone who's stitches ruptured and got infected id recommend you have them checked hun, I didn't have any pain either particularly.

It only take them a second and I didn't even have to take my Knicks off. It's not worth the damage IMO
I had mine checked second visit - just a quick look to reassure me all was well.
I had mine checked But i asked But was in a lot of pain as They were slightly infected xx
I've been checked a few times! They dont really poke around they just have a quick look! They understand that your tender down there so they tend to not physically touch them!

I think your better getting them checked to be safe. Oh and also if you get arnica tablets (not cream like silly me got and MW gave me a bollocking because it is 'broken skin' and was making me sorer haha!) they are really good for the bruising! I only had Casey 5 days ago and since taking the tablets and having tea tree baths I feel great and its only sometimes slightly sore when I sit down! Xxx

Thanks guys! I haven't been sore since I've had em and going to the toilet didn't hurt either. It's two weeks today since I had the baby, sometimes I can feel a pushing down pressure when I sit on the toilet but I'm guessing that's part of the muscles healing?
The pushing pressure feeling is totally normal, I never got mine checked but if I thought anything was wrong I would have done x
Just to add - my midwife checked mines today and two of them had a knot in them! That was causing me the discomfort! So she fixed them and I swear the relief now is great already! Xxx


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