Does anyone else have their fridge/freezer outside their kitchen? Is it impractical?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Basically we're in our new flat and the wee fridge freezer in the tiny kitchen just isn't big enough...We dont have th width or height in the kitchen to fit a bigger one in, but a goood sized one would fit in the small utility room ross the hall from the kitchen. (about 2 meters away) and ould go beside the washing machine.

I could then use the space in the kitchen for a storage unit for my pots and pans, space is really tight in the kitchen!

Is it a bad idea? I know I'll have to go to the utility room to get milk and stuff, but it's just across the hall...

Is this gonna be impractical?
Not at all - mine used to be in a walk-in larder - as long as its not on a different
Thanks hun, its a sort or cupboard room, but it does have a high ceiling, and it's literally across the hallway! OH was worried It would be annoying, but it's not like we're having to walk very far!

The other option would be to get a freezer for beside the washing machine and a fridge only for the kitchen...but thats gonna be more expensive!

I guess though with a bigger freezer It'll save money on the shopping in the long run x
have to be honest, having the fridge across the hall would drive me mad!
I would go mad having to get stuff from across the hall, how much more expensive will it be to get freezer separately?
we used to have our in the front room which was a fair way from kitchen we got use to it :)
Thanks everyone x in the end we bought a fridge for the kitchen, and a tall freezer for across the hall, which I totally don't mind x it was more expensive, but worth it, cause the fridge was just too tiny to fit enough stuff in x

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