Does a buggy mirror exist?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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I've been thinking that what I would like is some kind of rig up whereby I can see Elliott in the buggy while I'm pushing it and I'm sure that it should be possible somehow in the way that car mirrors work etc- it could clip on the metal rod at the side with a flexible arm and be an unbreakable mirror just in case. I find otherwise that if I'm pushing him about to get him to sleep for example I don't know if he's gone or not and I also like to know how long he's been asleep so if we're out for a long walk I have to keep stopping to check him which is annoying.

Does such a thing exist? I have tried googling "buggy mirror" and of course mirrors for the baby keep coming up not what I'm after. Am I mad to want such a thing or does anyone else think it would be kind of cool?

I haven't come across one of these but agree it would be great. If you can't find one patent the idea and then you can become very rich!!!!! :D If you do find one could you pass on the details of where you got it?
i was wondering the same about indicaters lol like what cars have :think:
Depending on which buggy you have, could you have him facing you??
Yes Melhoney- exactly!! Thanks so much it's been driving me up the wall! I might email that American company and see if they'll post it to me

Kim- no my buggy doesn't go the other way sadly. I have to keep stopping to skip round the front!

Thanks a lot!
i love the buggy my mum used to have for me, it was a buggy not a pram thing that kinda turned round (that prob makes no sence) but i loved it lol
no problem :D I am glad I could help...fingers crossed for the american company!! i hope they can send it to you!

mel xx
hi have just seen this conversation and wondered if anyone has bought one of these buggy mirrors. i am really interested in the idea cuz i hate the way i cant see Evie now she is in the pushchair and just want to keep an eye on her


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