Do you play a musical instrument?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Just wondered if anyone else out there is musical.
music has always been a big love of my life.
i started playing trumpet when i was 12 (i am 30 next yr) and i still play and attend a band who i have been with for 13 yrs!!
I also dabble with Trombone, clarinet and keyboard.
I started on the usual recorder!!

So do what do you play!!
I would love to be able to play the Saxaphone :D

I used to be able to do basics on a Keyboard
Was rather good at London bridge is falling down :rotfl:

Don't have the first clue now

Emily has just started Recorder so am hoping she keeps up with it and moves to bigger things
I dont but i would love to learn..i really envy my younger brother..he has a natural talent for music..he started off on guitar then moved to playing drums and now plays keyboard aswell, it looks like great fun to learn but i dont think i would be able to find the time when LO is here :(
I played trumpet and violin (right combination :? ) up until I had Callum. Used to play trumpet in band (most of the family are still in the band). Daniel now has my trumpet, although he gave up band and lessons a couple of years ago, he still gets it out occasionally to have a toot. Callum is tone deaf, Charlotte has just started recorder and wants piano lessons
Played Bass Guitar as a teenager, I took Music GSCE, and just used to play Nirvana sons and stuff with my class mates. Went on to gig in some local bands, met my husband and his music commitments were so great I didnt really have time to persue mine anymore, so I Just became a goupie! :lol:
PLayed Guitar, drums and piano.

However can only remeber how to play a bit of keyboard now lol.
I used to play the recorder, tenor and clarinet. I could play a bit on the flute too but not much.
Alway wanted to play the piano. When we move I want a house that will be able to hold a piano so I can learn!
I started on the recorder and then played the flute for a while at secondary school.
My main instrument was the flute. Got to grade 6 on it, but got hacked off with playing Handel all the time! I just wanted to play for fun, but the teachers were all into exams so I ended up giving up.

Also played... guitar, violin, recorder, piano and.... steel drums! :shock:
I play the cello, it has pride of place in the living room.
I took piano lessons from the age of 8 until the age of 18
But I haven't touched a piano now since then.

I do have a keyboard at home which I play from time to time but I'm incredibly rusty, plus it doesn't feel the same as a piano so I tend to hit the wrong keys by accident - piano keys are sort of big and heavy, but keyboard ones are light and easy to miss.
I played the flute. My Grandad taught me. I got to Grade 6 but then gave up. Wish I'd continued really.
I play the piano.... a bit rusty now.... haven't played in last 2 years.

Emilia xx
I play piano...

We're starting a band.. :rotfl:

No seriously, my OH wants us and kids to have afun band, not to release a record or anything!

We have keyboards, guitar, drums, singer, maracuss and tamborine :D

He's a sound engineer so we're also going to studio to record.. kids think it's great!

I think we'll just have a BIG noise :rotfl:
i used to play all different intruments because i used to be in a band
i used to play
mirimba (like a xilaphone sorry about the spelling)

aint played any of them for years tho lol
:D I used to play the violin,got to grade 5 then packed it in.I can also play the drums.

I have dabbled in guitar,piano and clarinet,but not so confident with these as the violin and drums :D
I play acoustic guitar and sing, I havnt been in a band or performed for a few years but I still record stuff at home and entertain my friends :D

The only intrumenst i ever played was recorder in Elementary and guitar in Middle School havent played in over 6 years

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