Do I wake her...???.... Help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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As the title says really...

I am combination feeding Layla - mainly breast or EBM but she does have two formula feeds a day - her lunch feed (due now @ 2pm) and her bedtime feed @ 6.30-7.00pm.

She is however by some miracle - ASLEEP ;-)

Do I wake her? I don't want her to "miss a feed" so to speak. Help would be much appreciated... many thanks! :) xx
I try not to wake ella if I can help it but sometimes have to for her breakfast as she has a bf at 6/7am then goes back to sleep til 9am when she has porridge. If I don't wake her sometimes it gets too close to lunch time lol! It shouldn't hurt her to be a bit late I wouldn't have thought but its your call hun x
I'd leave her, she will wake when she is hungry xx
thanks ladies... funnily enough I posted the same question on facebook and within 2 mins she was awake! I think the bottom line is that I worry if she doesn't get her 5 feeds a day! She is such a good baby and sleeps right through from 7pm-7am or 8pm-8am so I like to make sure she's had enough during the day etc. :) x
If our schedule changes by a bit I tend to adjust her bedtime so we can still fit a good amount of feeds in :)

Just out of interest, do those 5 feeds include her breastfeeds? How many oz does she have from her bottle feeds?
I worked out the other day that Lizzie has 17-19oz from bottles during the day (4 bottle feeds), and two breastfeeds, although I doubt she really gets much from them. Probably 24oz in total during the day. Does that sound about right to you? I'm sure if I was giving formula I could give her more but she only gets what I'm able to express lol :)
Yeah more often than not they include the breastfeeds too. She will usually have 2 breastfeeds in the morning, first always being at breast and 2nd sometimes EBM (4-5 oz) formula for lunch (7oz) breastfeed or EBM (4-5 oz) in afternoon and then her bedtime feed is formula (7-8 oz). That is the pretty ridgid schedule lol but as you all know it doesn't always stick to that! I still always "on demand" feed her at breast or EBM but like to know that she has had her "scheduled feeds" during the day. 99.9% of the time she doesn't require anymore than that.

From what i've read, they can take anywhere from 19-30oz in a day so if you are at 24oz then i'd say she is getting a good amount. She'll always let you know if she isn't lol xx

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