Do any of you know...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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of a charity or anything that is looking for crocheted baby blankets or new knitted baby clothes? I like to crochet when I'm tired as I don't have to concentrate and I enjoy knitting but only baby stuff, but my nieces and nephews now have enough blankets to last them, and enough cardis and stuff to last them till next winter.

Even better if its for prem babies - I have lots of patterns for prem sizes
Don't know about any charities but your nearest hospital might have some for the SCBU? :)
they used to - but haven't seen them asking for a while? I'll contact local group and see - but I'd like to be giving maybe to families who can't afford?
I would have thought any charity shop would have gladly taken them and then they could sell them couldn't they?
What about NSPCC or any other charity shops you have in your area?
our SCBU takes them and little booties/hats/cardies :hug: or try a charity ?
I used to knit for SCBU years ago - as a thank you for my son - contacted Bliss and apparently they do still take them so I will knit for them. I've got a couple of simple patterns off their site too - so can knit hats and bootees v quickly - but I think I'll use my own patterns for cardis as I've got prettier ones :D
if you've got a council run childrens home in your area I bet they'd love them. and well done
no i dont kno sorry. but what a lovely idea how sweet! :hug:
tuck said:
if you've got a council run childrens home in your area I bet they'd love them. and well done

only for teens - don't think they'd appreciate it :wink: we buy a boys pressie for them at Christmas instead - whatever age Josh is we buy for that age. They struggle with teen boys pressies - guess they're not cute enough.

Good idea about the women's refuge Leckershell - our mentors at work do some work with them so I could pass on through them. That'll give me the chance to do bigger things.

I have baby wool - but not much chunky wool for the older ones - do you think its cheeky to ask through freecycle? I love knitting but can't afford to buy loads of wool for it.
leckershell said:
Women's Aid centres?

Nope! I offered all kinds of things including nearly new bunk beds and they turned me down saying they have nowhere to store anything! Considering a lot of women go into there with literally the clothes on their back you'd have thought they would have a pool of household items, clothing etc available.
I have a friend who makes clothes and gives to an African appeal charity. Baby clothes and so on. Can't recall the name of it, but I'm sure you can find charities doing the same via online search.
I'm not a saint ladies :D I love knitting - I do it for my enjoyment.

Like with my sewing - I give nearly all that away too - I enjoy doing it more than looking at it
How weird - before asking this I looked for a local group that helped pregnant women/new mums who are struggling for money - couldn't find one.

Then today on local freecycle a woman has posted asking for any baby items - for a local charity that helps mums who are struggling - I'm waiting for her to reply to me as I want to just check it out but she's given the charity's name and everything :D

It helps both refugee mums and mums on v low incomes :D
I was gonna suggest that libs, my nan gives the things she knits to a charity just like the one you mention, I also give my childrens clothes they have grown out of and if it's something that hasn't been worn much - which most of it is they keep it for christmas presents!!

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