

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
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Just wondering how your scan went yesterday?

Hope all was well, let us know!!!

Yeah Dippy don't go awol on us again!!! :wink: :wink:

Hope all went well :)
Hi Sam and Anna Marie,

Sorry it has taken me so long to check in had a hectic day yesterday and been in work all day today, so unable to post till now.....everything went fabulously at the scan, we went in right on time and my LO was dancing around all over the place, sonographer checked and measured everything, and said all is well, moved my dates forward by nearly a week, so my new edd is 6th November. Best day of my life, such a huge relief to see the heart was beating strongly. Nicer still is the fact that we can now share our news - only my Mum Dad and Sister knew, so feel like a weight has been lifted there. All in all we are over the moon, grinning like cheshire cats. Thanks for thinking about me, I have no intentions of going awol again Anna Marie, you're stuck with me now!!

P.S Would love to post a piccie but have got a laptap and no scanner, might see if I can do it from my Dad's PC over the weekend
Awww, glad all went well with your scan.

Just wait till the next one, it's amazing how much they've changed.

Are you going to find out the sex??

glad everything went well.. enjoy telling everyone!! thats the best bit.. apart from seeing your little one on the scan of course!!!

Glad it all went well Dippy.. its such a magical thing seeing them on the screen.. and yes as Sam said the next scan will be so different - so much will have changed by then!! Enjoy letting everyone know.. you will be spoiled rotten!! xxx

Welcome to Second Tri!!!!!!!
Thanks for your nice words, it's great that so many of us ttc buddies can share this experience together, what a journey it's been!! I am looking forward to my second scan as OH and I have decided to find out the sex (if we can) mixed reactions from people who can't believe that we don't want the surprise, I have no patience at all!!

Went back to the gym last night for the first time since Feb 10th, hard going, but need to get myself a bit more motivated. Getting used to sitting/lying down far too much, so going to persevere. Did you start going Hayley? I remember you talking about it?!

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