

Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
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Hope you are ok babe and that everything turned out ok after your amnio. Let us know how you are hun,thinking of you xx
Crikey - I forgot that was today! Well remembered Nikki. :clap:

Good luck Dippy - let us know how you get on hunnie. xx
EEEKK!!!! I forgot aswell! :doh:

Sorry hun.....how did it go?

Hope you're both ok. :D
She had her amnio last thursday and hasn't been on here for a week, should of had the results by now that's why I am starting to worry,really hope all is ok hun,hope to hear from you soon xx
im sorry im not up to date with this one at all.

did Dippy have a test come back as high risk downs or something?
nikki i just found it - thanks! i do hope shes ok. :( . Its never nice to hear that sort of news. Im not sure how id deal with it should it happen to me.
Hi Guys,

Sorry I haven't been on any earlier to update you all, I can honestly say that the last week or so has been the most horrendous of my life, I am ashamed to say that I fell apart with the worry quite badly, if it wasn't for my wonderful oh and my close family and friends, I would have found it hard to keep positive. Had the amnio last Thursday as you all know, quite harrowing as I could see my LO wriggling about on the screen and more painful than I was expecting. Have been ok physically since, a few little aches and twinges, but nothing more serious thankfully.

ANYWAY....the hospital phoned this morning and everything is ok, the test results came back normal and we found out that we are having a little girl, we are over the moon, feel like we can start living again and we have realised more than ever how precious pregnancy is. Thankyou all for thinking of me, I wanted to let you all know as soon as possible, and to say to you all, please look after yourselves and your precious bumps, we are so lucky to have them.

Gonna catch up with everyone else's news.....
Oh Dippy im so happy darlin. I just burst out crying!
That's great news Dippy!

And you got the bonus of finding out the sex aswell, yay another little girl!! :D

Take care of yourself

Sam xxx
Yay Dippy!!!! And a girl as well!!! :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance:

My LO is having a party in my tummy to celebrate - I think your LO may have an admirer already!! :wink: :lol:

So glad you and your little girl are ok,now you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy hun xx :D

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