Did you have a show?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if & when you had a show before you gave birth (obviously! :roll:). I haven't had one yet & i'm due on Sat. so wondering what the odds are of having one?

Ta muchly.

Nicki.x :D
Hiya Nicki

I had a show at 2am (Typical show you read about in text books - A big lump of jelly like stuff streaked with blood) - My waters broke at 5am and I had Ky at 9:29am.
I had a bit of show every day for a week before i had Jack, but it came out while i was in labour with Amy.

Dont worry hun, some people don't even notice their show, it might have fell out while you were having a wee and flushed it, i've heard of that happening aswell.
i never had a show, i never had any kind of sign my baby was coming they say the baby dont move around as much before birth i found baby was doing every thing as normal i done nothing different just went home from work at 35weeks preg and my waters broke, not a gush like expected just lil dribbles of water..

what is a show ment to be like?
and what is it?
how long after do they usually say labour will be after a show?
I had one after i had a sweep(think thats what it called) it just looked like pink snot!
dont mean to sound thick.... but what is a sweep?
why do u have them? :oops:
I didn't have a show with my first,but with my second i woke up one morning and had a show. It was like a peach coloured mucus. I then started getting pains straight after and had my daughter 24hrs later.
Dionne a membrane sweep is what the midwife can give you if you are overdue. They just insert a finger inside you and brush it over your cervix. It can help people go into labour.

I didn't have a show. The fist I knew about being in labour was when my waters broke. I think I must have been dilating before that though as I was 9cm when I got to hospital :shock:
WHAT!!!! 9cm before u got to the hospital shows how much it varys from person to person, i usualy have a good pain tolerence, my waters broke i went to hospital hadnt started dilating the 3 hrs later when i was 2dilated i was in toal pain like u wouldnt believe, by 6 dilated i was screaming for the epidural
Thanks for the replys. Wow, its interesting reading everyones sories and how much it all varies from person to person, I think this is why i'm having a bit of a panic about it, i'm scared i just won't know i've gone into labour (despite everyone saying to me 'Oh, you'll know' then laugh at me! :shock: ) i'm worried i'll leave it too late & won't be able to get the hospital in time (its 30 mins away).

If your waters break first do you have to go into hospital straight away or will they let you stay at home until the contractions are close together?

Also is it true that walking around & moving alot helps bring on labour?

Oh, I want to stop panicking about it!!!!!!!

I had a show about 24 hours before my waters broke. I started having contractions a few hours later.
KIM that sounds like text book labour :)

show, waters, contrations, baby :lol:
labour was fine dionne (after the epidural :wink: ) it was the complications afterwards that was the worst :(
Nicki my waters broke at 1am and I didn't call the hospital (like you are supposed to) because I didn't want to go in early. I got to the hospital at 6.50am when I was 9cm.
Do what makes you happy. They like you to go into hospital once your waters break because of the risk of infection but personally I'd be more scared of getting and infection in hospital than at home :shock: I also only live 5mins from the hospital though.

If your waters break at home you can't have a bath though to help with pain relief. :?

My contractions broke at home and I went to hospital and they sent me home and suggested having a bath!!! They even said it was ok to have sex :shock: not that I wanted to :lol:
hahaha sex after your waters break lol think its the last thing on ya mind...

iv been told to go straight to the hospital when my waters break as there is a high chance of the cord dropping as the waters go with a gush im being monitored every week at the mo as iv got so much fluid round the baby

last time my waters went i went to the hospital and tel told me to have a bath it was 2am the lights were out every one on the ward was asleep and i was laying there is a huge warm bath with loads of bubles going to sleep :) was lovely

but because i had thrush they gave me the tablet to put inside me so baby didnt catch it on the way out, it was horrid having all the chalky bits of tablet coming out as my waters were dribbling for ages
Here they tell you to ring when you think your waters have gone as you have to check what colour they are, if they have a brown tinge then it means baby has pooed inside you and you will have to go in but if they are clear they tell you to ring when your contractions are 5 mins apart or the pain gets unbearable.

When my water went i wasn't sure if it was that or i had wet myself, but bcause it was just coming out and i couldn't stop it i knew. i went to the hospital to have it checked but when i got there 30 mins after my waters went i was contracting every 5 minutes. So they kept me in.
i was in slow labour for a week and a half so i kept having a show every so often.
I had a show just before my waters broke, it was really slimy and tinged with blood. At this point my contractions were ten mins apart.

I had to go into hospital when my waters broke because they were greeny/brown which meant Olivia had done her first poop.

I had a sweep in the mornng and went into labour that night.

I think you'll know when you start having contractions, all of a sudden I realised I was getting regular weird pains then started timing them.

Good luck Nicki, not long to go now!

i remember with my first thinking will i no when its real contractions, and now i no what to expect, and i think u can defo tell the difference

ohhhh im geting nervous again now i had the most painfull experiene

im dreading it!!!!!!!!

ouch i can just feel that burning stinging pain thinking about it :wall:

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