did y'all see ur referral letters?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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sorry to bombarde y'all with my questions! last one i promise!

what did y'all get from ur GP when u went to get the referral to the MW for booking in? mine gave me a letter to hand to the receptionist on my way out; trixi being Nosey McNoseytrix i read it. the first paragraph looked normal- it had "obstetric history" or something, with details of my previous pregnancies, but underneath it was "medical history" with things like "anorexia nervosa" and "drug use" on there with dates from the 1990's :shock: is that really necessary why do they need to kno that?! the top of the letter said something about "urgent" ("urgent standard procedure" or something) on it.

PLEASE tell me this is normal! i dont remember this from the first time! i spose i didnt see the letter that time but i'm just worried i dont understand why they need to know all that they'll be thinking i'm a right piece of trash even put me on some child protection list or something :( it did have something normal written on it (asthma) is this standard procedure do they have to list stuff from 10 years ago?
They need to make them aware of it sweetie because they are things that could affect your pregnancy if you started having the same problems again (not saying you are for a moment!).

I take quite comprehensive medical histories for all my patients, even some stuff which seems irrelevant as it's better to have the information there if needed.

I wouldn't worry too much - they will be able to see it was some time ago. Might ask you about it but that's about it.

I didn;t see my referral, it just got sent off to the midwifery team! God knows what mine said - 'clinically insane - treat with caution' probably!
I like the drug use bit, I am sure a lot of us would have had that on a referral letter. In terms of anorexia sometimes it can be an issue if an individual still has issues around the body image. I suppose it's right to mention it as they want to make sure you are okay. Your kids wouldn't be put on child protection because of that ! Potentially they might refer you to a dietician if they felt there were issues with you not gaining weight, or you mentioned something - which is no different to how they react to me being obese!

My referral letter had about my husband having a congenital disorder of a shortened leg - so presumably they can assess the risk of that in case it's genetic.

You are not nosy, the letter is about you! I read mine too!
There was bugger-all on mine - just a very brief form - but I did get a bit stressed about all the stuff they ask on the notes (I have to fill my own ones in before I even get as far as the midwife! gotta love saving the NHS money...) - I've suffered from depression in the past and felt a bit crap having to tell them. But then I thought, actually, if it suggests they try and keep an eye on these things, surely that's good? I've heard a lot of stories about both ante- and post-natal depression not getting noticed till it's desperate, and eating disorders just like depression are one of those things that can kick up under stress/hormones etc. So try and think positively about it - it doesn't mean they're judging you, just that they want to make sure you're gonna be okay.
I didn't bother going to my GP first. I just rang my surgery and asked to make an appointment with the midwife.

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