Dexter Ezekiel Rivon Springer - The dads view

Jan 7, 2008
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cos I couldn't spell perspective. Well thats a lie but anyway this isn't gonna be a long as Amanda's mainly cos I blocked out a lot of the stuff that went on but I'll tell you what my experiences were from the moment Amanda got induced. It had been a long day on the 12.08.08 and I had just got home from the hospital hoping to get a bit of shut eye it was maybe gone 1am I really can't recall. I turned my mobile off cos I didn't wanna be disturbed by certain someone telling me that they they had gone into labour and to be honest I needed the sleep.

Well all was going well and I was dreaming of electric sheep when I heard this terrible noise. Startled and bemused I realised that I had left my other phone on. "SHIT" I said to myself but not wanting to be rude I thought I'd answer it. "What did she want" I thought to myself I only saw her 2.5 hrs ago (It was now 3.25am) I was about to yell at her explaining that she should call me on this number only in emergencies however before I had the chance she informed that she was in labour. I was pretty miffed but I thought come on Dave be the man you can be. So begrudgingly I dragged myself out of bed and RAN yes RAN to my local cab office.

Not before getting dressed may I add. "My good man" I said " "I need your fastest cab" "you need next door" I looked up. Raj's Balti Palace Adorned the wall. "Sorry" I said rather sheepishly. Making sure I was in the correct place I once again requested "My good man I need your fastest cab" The guy informed me that his computer was broke so yelled out the window "This guy needs a cab" a cab turned up and within 10 minutes I was in the hospital by Amanda's side minus £8. Seeing Amanda I such pain was horrible being unable to do anything for her was the worst.

For me it felt that the midwives didn't wanna do anything although I can appreciate that there were people in worst situations than that of Amanda when it's your love you don't want to see them like this. To cut a few hrs off this story I would now do a montage. MONTAGE...but i'll do bullitt points

.Amanda Pukes on me. Umm Nice
.Amanda gets drugs. Umm Nice
.Mummy Springer turns up. Ahh that's nice

May I stated that when Amanda was getting teh drip put in her had blood shot out loads. The midwife said "That happend loads" Loads to you you freak, maybe a trip to you careers advisor would be advisable"

Anyway Mum was a great help she gave me advise spoke to Amanda etc..
As Amanda stated the doctors said she had to get cut open now instead of having a natural birth. For selfish reasons I was like well at least it stays tight, but on the other hand thats at least 6 weeks of housework. I think I got the better deal. Many years of being made to watch horror movies by Rob had prepared me for the caesarean where I managed to have a couple of sneaky peeks.

HOORAY Dexter is born all blue and scabby but lovely. I kiss my beautiful girlfriend and thank her for giving me the gift Mastercard can't buy. Well maybe in a few parts of Asia and Africa.

The midwife managed to piss off my mum and mum wanted to bottle her. to be honest the midwife was a right bitch but I didn't wanna ruin the moment. So once with Amanda the baby and the midwife I asked "is the baby supposed to have a big pointy head" I was kind of freaked out no one mentioned this I was thinking about swapping him. The midwife said he had a head like me. (I've later found out that the head thing is natural). Anyway After a long night I had to leave the hospital which was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do along with coming out the closet which i'm doing now.

We had a few visits from the lovely Sharne and Mr Bish before going home on the Friday. Living with him it seems to me that is apperance is changing every single day and he is getting soooooo good looking, not in a gay way or cos he's my son but he's gonna be a belter. I've got to say that i've never been so much in love. Him and Amanda make me soooooo proud.

Sorry this is long i'm on night duty.
That was wcked Pappa! :rotfl:

i think you need to change you're name to PunkPappa D I think it suits you better now...

Its ok i can assure you when i saw him i didn't think he had a conehead like Dan Akroid, it was perfectly round and normal, i thought more along the lines of awww mini angel, although i've watched a few birthing vids and seen this happen and yes it looks freaky!!!!

Hopefully now you're Popsicle you can post loads in the pappy section.

Give the girl and Mini D a kiss and cuddle from me.
I hope you understand how jealous and anxious i am to see my little dude :) Not long now til his partner in crime arrives!! Tell Dexxy he's to drink all his milk like a good little lad!! :hug:
:lol: Sounds like you coped admirably :D Congrats on your baby boy :cheer:
:rotfl: Well, slightly different birth story! Brilliant.
Brilliant, i just read this out to my husband and we are both in fits, nice to hear it from a blokes side. :rotfl:
Congratulations, it is lovely to hear a dads view of labour :D :D
:rotfl: That was hilarious!!

(For a second before opening the post, I thought some cheeky git had stolen your son's name!!!)


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