Demand feeders


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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What is ur babies sign/signal they r hungry?

Henry licks his lips and sticks his tongue out. If someone is holding him and they haven't noticed this, he starts to suck whatever part of their body he is closest to!

His lip licking is extremely cute :love:
Oz used to do the tongue sticking out thing and looking like he was trying to latch onto thin air lol He also used to cry the food cry.

Your profile pic is too cute btw :love:
If I fed Tyler everytime he did that I'd still have to feed every hour! He generally gets fussy and stares at me while doing it and isn't happy whatever you do! Inface even if he's not quite fussing yet he just stares at me intently.

Now its pulling the top and grabbing boobs but he used to root for food. He would be constantly attached to my boob id i let him

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By the time Oz was 3 months old though his feeds were spread out apart, no specific routine, except morning and evening, but throughout the day he was still FOD. By 4 months the routine was pretty set and the feeds were very quick, and then 6 months he was down to 3 feeds p/day!

I can't believe I'm going to be doing this all again so soon, must be mental lol
If he is being held, Henry will root for food. He has so far tried on DH and MIL! Lol!

We have just started to give him his dummy if he licks his lips to see if it's comfort or food he is after.
Logan will usually try and attach to Nything near his cheek lol it's quite cute he does a 360degree turn to sook my arm if I'm holding him. Also does the licking his lips which is cute, like he's thirsty.

Sometimes it is hard to know if he is definitely hungry or just wanting comfort ESP if he has only fed an hour or 2 ago.
Evie gets what we call 'windmill hands' and bashes her mouth with them, as if to say 'put the food in here mummy!'
harry does the rooting aswell and if he's lying on my tummy he'll move towards my breast, but if i'm holding him upright he's taken to trying to eat my face my neck and ears! u'd think i was starving the poor mite sometimes. i know when harry is full and just wants to suck because he keeps pulling away and then getting upset because he wants to suck on me but he now has a dummy for when he's like that and it hasnt seemed to interfere with my bfeeding xxx
Max will turn to anything nearest and try and suck on it! his bib, his clothes, my arm, my face etc lol its so cute and theres no denying that hes signalling he wants food!
Harry will literally try and eat people when hes hungry, but also sometimes just wants something to suck on as if i fed him everytime he looked for it he would be in me 24/7, we give him a dummy now to and its been a godsend!
Alyssa tries to eat her hand, literally stuffs it in her mouth
Albert makes a clicking sound with his lips and tongue and roots around to the left where my breast is. Daft kid, if he'd been this interested in it in hospital we might have been able to bf :roll:
Ariel will start making sucking motions but then sometimes isn't that fussed when I offer him the boob. It's when he's rooting and latching onto whatever he can find, I know it's definite feeding time!
Kynon has moved on to obvious signs now like making a mmmm sound and kind of grabs and bites around my boob area if I'm holding him! He used to poke his tongue out and root about before he cried though
L stares at my boobs, and if I pick him up his still starts rooting like a hungry newborn lol. He does hand sucking whether he's hungry or not so that's not a good indication for us.

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