

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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i want all the fruit juice in the world! i love love love Welchs grape juice at the moment and pomegranate and blueberry juice yum yum yummmmmm :)
how about everyone else?
thats ok then as long as you don't take all my grape juice :) haha
My cravings were mad between 5 and 10 weeks! One day it was tomatoes, all I wanted to eat were tomatoes, then fresh orange juice for a while, then I started craving meat a few days later, totally went off chocolate and pizza (which I used to LOVE). Then... this is the worst.... I started craving fish fingers!!! Bleugh I hate fish fingers! But one particular night I just needed them! So I ate them! lol!!!!!
fruit, i spent £20 at the fruit stall on my local market the other day :/ suppose its better than a craving for chocolate so won't complain. also slush puppies! mmmm x
Lemony things for me, traditional lemonade and lemon meringue pie yesterday!

fruit, any fruit i usually like, apples cherries pinapple melon mango.....cant get enough
fruit, lots of it I have had a full honeydew melon today, loganberries and kiwi fruits...and a terrible craving for full fat coke which i have to limit far more than i wish i did. But there is less caffeine in that than in a brew ( which i have totally gone off ) i just got told pregnant women should avoid coca cola, i this actually true?
i have pepsi max so i dont know lol, i went off coke years ago tho i adore cherrycoke
I wish I was craving fruit and juice, I'm craving pickled eggs! It's awful, iI would eat them all day long if I could, haha! x x x
Cheese and crackers with pickled onions and orange or pineapple juice.
I think you just have to avoid cola for the caffeine, as apparently too much can contribute to miscarriage. I lived on pepsi max b4 being pregnant but havent missed it as ive been so ill i havent wanted it anyway!
Raw veggies at the mo - cucumber, carrots, peppers. Gotta have a bit of a crunch to it :D
Eggs - I would especially like 2 eggs and soldiers but they can't be soft so that defeats the point - that will be my first meal once I have the baby :)
Super noodles and baked potatoes - I find that if I say what I am going to eat and feel ill I know to avoid but if I feel hungry then good to go :)
i know how you feel jensbump i miss my perfect poached eggs :-(
Stupid phone!!!!! For example cheese and crackers primula cheese on crackers cheese on toast chips cheese and pitta bread jacket pots with cheese the list goes on lol xx
I am the unhealthy one. Prawn and Coctail crisps!!

Spicy food is out at the moment oh and BBQ's
Yes - prawn cocktail crisps for me too! Never usually eat crisps... but happily munching my way through a multipack now! They are the best! Enjoy! :)
Fruit too!! Its funny how everyones craving fruit! Past 12weeks this sat sickness has eased off completely so I'm stuffing my face haha :)

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