Constipated? where is her poo?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2007
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Esme usually dirties her nappy regularly, in fact sometimes I can change her then change her again she poops so much, but all of a sudden she has stopped and there have been no dirty nappies since wednesday

When do I start to worry? I know as they get to about 3 months (which she nearly is) they can settle down a bit but this is extreme, she is also being a pain to settle unless she is on the boob and is gnawing her hands/dummy.

Ive tried to give her some water and some freshly squeezed orange juice dilluted but she wont take either from a bottle so tried to put a little in her mouth with a cup and she just puked it back up in a dirty protest type fashion :roll:

Any ideas? ive mused constipation, teething but dont know when I should worry about the lack of poop, input to output ratio is very imballanced at the mo.
:rotfl: i think its payback for calling her poo face!!!

:hug: I really have no idea, I would of suggested water but seems you already tried. Poor bub xx
nickilubs said:
:rotfl: i think its payback for calling her poo face!!!

:hug: I really have no idea, I would of suggested water but seems you already tried. Poor bub xx

Esme is very pleased to inform you that she has just pooped soooooo much it has leaked all over her mums leg in bed- that will teach her!!!

I knew as soon as i posted she would perform for me :wall:
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Weeeeelllll done baby! haha! Poor you though! Ivy managed to get poo all over my fav baby grown on her :( nothing gets rid of it.
Its perfectly normal for a BF baby to go days between poos. I'd not worry she is constipated and give her OJ or anything else. Galen used to poo regularly every day then around 12 weeks stopped doing this and would go up to 5 or 6 days sometimes between poos. When he did finally go it was massive.

She sounds perfectly normal to me tbh.

Don't forget that there is very little waste in breast milk so baby often has little to come out the other end. Also her being restless and so on may be a growth spurt or the start of teething (but could just be the sort of teething that comes and goes and its months before you see an actual tooth).

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