Constantly feeling like I need to do a number 2!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2007
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Is it normal to constantly feel like I need to empty my bowels.
I will go first thing in the morning, then by mid-morning I'm having cramps, and feel like I need to go for the rest of the day. Go again when I get home (would go in afternoon too, but don't want to at work lol), then after dinner I need to go again!!

If I'm not on the loo, I'm having stomach pains/cramps, it's driving me mad!

Not 100% sure I'm actually pg yet, but is this a sign?
well i too am having this problem and im six days late.
one minute i have the runs and the next minute im constipated (sorry :oops: ) and like u said i can go about 4 times a day and that is very unlike me. i am due to test saturday so i will soon no if it is a syptom of pregnancy or not......... :pray: heres hoping
Yeah, it's definately not normal for me either!
I've heard about having gas, so maybe it's kinda related to that, but instead of the gas its needing to go :lol:

I've been peeing a hell of a lot more too, having to get up in the middle of the night. Totally unlike me too.

I'm testing again on Saturday. Good luck :D
Hi, good luck to you both, I was hardly on the toilet, iv had constipation practicly since i found out. I dont think going to the toilet for number 2 all day is a symptom (not that ive heard of) but gas is too, Also the peeing alot is a good sign i find i can never stop peeing now!
Good luck :hug:
Cant help feeling jealous of your needing for a number 2!

Ever since i was about 8 weeks pregnant i have been contantly constipated! - very unconfertable! I am contispated for about 3 days then manage it on the 4th - i have tried everything!

Can anyone suggest anything!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

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