Comfort Sucking?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Hi Girls

Connor is now just coming up to three weeks old and for the last two days and nights after taking his bottle (he's on 3 and a half to 4 ounzes every 2-3 hours) he's not flaking out like he used to.

Until recently giving him a full bottle would act like a knock out dart and he'd drop straight off. However now he's quite restless after a feed - we wind him well and he's not drawing his knees up or anything like he's in discomfort.

Of course it could just be that he's becoming more aware of his surroundings and just wants some attention as he's getting more alert, which is fine in the day

At night we're doing all the right things, not speaking to him, little eye contact, keeping room dark, etc.

I have noticed that at night when he's restless he'll suck my finger and then finally drop off. I'm wondernig if it's comfort sucking and if we should introduce a dummy or soother just for night time?

Does anyone else have this happening to them?? He's a very happy little boy and very placid.

This is a tough one because you'd have to be careful not to fall into the dummy trap where they won't go to sleep without it and will wake up and cry for it in the night if it falls out.

Obviously load of people use dummies and don't have this problem but I'd be wary about it.
It does sound like he's becoming more aware of things, if you keep doing the sleep routine you have it may well sort itself out once he has the hang of sleep time again.
Thanks for that Urchin

Since posting I've just popped it into his mouth and he's gone straight off to sleep in his bouncy chair...I'm just going to try to remove it.....
We had the same with Jess I gave in and got her a dummy and it did the trick, she is fine now and wont have her dummy
First of all, good name for your little boy :dance:
My Connor has always been a sucky baby, even when he first popped out he had blisters on the sides of his hands from sucking them in the womb, midwife was astounded! Anyway he also used to go on sucking after every bottle, really smacking his lips. Against many peoples advice we gave him a dummy.
He is now 18mths and still has his dummy at night, but he only needs it during the day if he is very tired or upset. My reasoning is this - if they don't have a dummy, they may suck their thumb, and at least you can get rid of a dummy when needs be but you can't get rid of their thumb!!! So don't worry about all the anti-dummy comments you will get!! And good luck :D
Harry has a dummy as he is a very big comfort sucker, he wont go anywhere without it now :roll: There are alot of good points & bad points about a dummy, but its about doing what you feel is best
Have you tried giving him a bit more milk because if hes restless after a feed maybe hes just a hungry baby and needs bit more, worth a try I guess xxx
Shaz my baby does exactly the same thing..but my problem is she sleeps nicely during the day but at night she just wont doze off..she does not cry and like yours she is a very happy baby. She wont take the dummy, but i got her in the habit of co sleeping, big mistake from my side because whilst i love having her cuddled up next to me im scared that she wont kick the habit and also she loves my boob as comfort sucking..
My baby has had a dummy from about 2 days old and I only gave it to her because she was a hungry baby and I diddn't know what was up with her at the time but it seemed to settle her. She used to have it in like 24/7 and cry at night for us to put it back in. Now she only has it if she's tired or whingy and spits it out while she's asleep...If not I try to take it out.

Ive always said, Just because a baby doesnt know what a dummy is, it doesnt mean he/she doesnt want one...they do like something to suck on.

In the womb it was easy for them to reach their mouths as the water just made their arms float about so I bet your bubs did a lot of hand/thumb sucking, On my 2nd scan I have a pic of her sucking her thumb...But gravity takes its course in the real world and it's harder for babies because they have to grasp hand eye co a dummy is the easiest thing....I couldn't live without Aaliyah's.

Someone once said ''Only lazy people give their babies dummies...'' Pfft...I'd like see someone cope with my child without it!!!
Jakob has always been a sucky baby aswell he is constantly eating his hands and he has a dummy, I have never had any anti dummy comments made...just do what you think is right for your baby and dont feel bad or take any notice from other people:)

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