Comfort Milk


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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My LO is on the c and g comfort. He gets constipated on this milk though, the Dr suggested making the milk thinner...

As in, for example 5oz of water, but only 4 scoops of milk, so Corey gets more fluids in him. Has anyone tried this, as far as I was aware, you should make milk up exactly right... and I always have. I was slightly shocked at the idea.

Has anyone else been told this by their GP, has anyone tried it?

If you were me, would you ignore the Dr, or give it a go..? I really dont know.
Messing around with milk/water ratios risks compromising vitamins and should never be allowed as far as I'm aware :?

If the constipation is bad would you consider trying another formula?
Well, as far as I was aware, you should NEVER mess about with water/milk ratios.. but when someone like a Dr suggests it, makes me wonder if its ok...!!

Yes, I would change milks, aptimil easy digest, or anyother of that kind I would be willing to give a go. Anyone have experiance of these thicker milks, and not had a LO with constipation??
Phoebs is on Aptamil Easy Digest. She is generally fine, unless its very hot - she hates taking water, so that doesn't help.

My HV just told me to offer a small amount of boiled water if she was constipated.

I tried her on Comfort before Easy Digest, and it didn't agree with her so much.

Hope that helps :hug:
I do get boiled water mixed with fresh fruit juice in him most days... and hes on lactulose 5ml twice a day... but id rather he wasnt.

mabey when this box is done ill try aptimil instead.

Anyone else had experiance with these milkys...?
i got told too do the same as you just until he pooed
and jack never had any problems
they wouldnnt tell you too do anything that would harm your baby
watering down a comfort milks seems a bit pointless tho when your feeding it cos its thicker ?!

it can be normal for them not to go every day on it tho , doesnt mean there constiptated , be very green when they do tho !
my son was constipated to start with but when he got use to it he went back to normal. you can put a spoonful of fine brown sugar in their bottle. god knows why it helps but it works a treat when ky gets constipated. Either that or try and get them to drink cooled boiled water, ive heard that helps, i cant say myself as ky wont touch water :roll:

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