he was behaving funny on sunday, so out of character. but this morning i got him up and he was roasting histemp was 38.4 so gave him nurofen and as it wasnt coming down with nurofen/calpol i got him in with thedocs asi was being seen anyway. doc said it could be a urine infection so i have given them a sample but we wont know until FRIDAY
but OMG this aftenoon he got worse fast his temp was stuck up at 38.9 and wouldnt come dwn, he was sweating yet shivering so we got him seen at out of hours . he threw up just ase had got him out of the car to see the out of hours doctor and temp ws still at38.8 this was an hour after calpol
out of hours doc sent us to casualty where we were seen and they think its a bad gastric bug starting as after he was sick his temp came down a bit and he perked up. - still cant rule out urine infection at the mo..th poor mite has still got a temp of 38.0 but he has finay gone off to sleep .
my worry is i have jus given him hs last dose of nurofen and he has had his max of calpol for the night..what th feck do i do if his temp gets very very high again ?
so hate it when they are this ill my poor baby
but OMG this aftenoon he got worse fast his temp was stuck up at 38.9 and wouldnt come dwn, he was sweating yet shivering so we got him seen at out of hours . he threw up just ase had got him out of the car to see the out of hours doctor and temp ws still at38.8 this was an hour after calpol
out of hours doc sent us to casualty where we were seen and they think its a bad gastric bug starting as after he was sick his temp came down a bit and he perked up. - still cant rule out urine infection at the mo..th poor mite has still got a temp of 38.0 but he has finay gone off to sleep .
my worry is i have jus given him hs last dose of nurofen and he has had his max of calpol for the night..what th feck do i do if his temp gets very very high again ?
so hate it when they are this ill my poor baby