

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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good luck for your scan 2moro hun hope all goes well and you find out which team your on :D :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Woooo hooo good luck tomorrow hun!! :cheer:
ohhh...good luck Chok! :cheer: Cant wait to find out what team you are :pray:
good luck tomorrow :hug:
:shock: rach how do you remember everyones scans
Good Luck!!!!

Kmac and Rach we all have the same due date!! :D
Oooooh another pic to look forward to... i'm hooked now lol

Are you gonna find out the sex or stay team green?

I'm guessing BOY.... but i'm usually wrong so expect a girl :rotfl:

Good luck tomoz

Sarah xxx
Awww :oops: Fankoo! :D

Just so you aren't all on tenterhooks all day - my scans not til 3 and I am not coming back to work after so I wont be able to get on the net til tomorrow a.m. as we dont have it set up at home yet after the move! :( I know I know, you won't get your scan fix! :rotfl: Will let you all know how it went asap! x
Good Luck Chock.

Aww I wont find out what you are having till next week now as after today i am away till next Monday :doh:

I'll have some catching up to do next week thats for sure :)

Have a lovely scan and take care.

:hug: xxx
awwww was thinking there would be some news naughty chok not going back to work to tell us all :rotfl: hope it all went well hun look forward to finding out 2moro xxxxxxx
I know!! :( I need to know!! tomorrow is just ages off!! haha I sound like a 6 year old haha
Helloooooo peeps!

Sorry :oops: Been so mad here today that Ive not had a chance to upload my pics from yesterday! My Boss has been in all morning too! :shakehead:

Anyway......................... :D
Everything was fine at the scan and it was so amazing how much detail you could see.....


Look at those long legs!! :D

And..............we got to find out what team we are on! :shhh: we're not telling friends and family so it's a secret! long as you lot promise not to tell...................... :shhh: :angel: :shhh:

We're team..........

BLUE :cheer:

We went out and bought an absolute TON of clothes after.......just hope the Sonographer was right now as otherwise we are going to have a girl wearing A LOT of blue! :lol:
Awww, thats brilliant. I was worried as you hadn't been on. :D

The pic is fab. :cheer:
Yay Chok! :cheer: :cheer: I think that is the best scan pic I have ever seen! :shock:

Congratulations on being team blue (didnt my dog predict that a while ago for you?!!! :D )

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