Childrens adventure area next to a Cat A Prison?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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:shock: Hmmm, it all sounded soo good, a great day out, fun for the little ones, animals, play areas.....BUT there is a Catagory A Prison right next door!!!

I was looking forward to checking this new place out till I heard this....?

Who's idea was it to build a childrens adventure area next to a prison????
Omg seriously!!! that is terrible x
:shock: I know.

I'm now of the opinion I wont go. OH is like well they're not going to escape but really?? (phone conversation!)
And my sister still wants to take her LO when it opens :eh:
I'm pretty sure they are fairly well locked up in a Cat A!!! think they only get out of cells for an hour a day for food and a shower! Guess the land was probably going cheap or something xx
Principally and ethically its totally upside down and wrong!
It is wrong - But surely there isn't a risk to the childrens safety otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed to build it there,

I would personally go along to check it out without the kids in tow to see what it was like and make a decission from there - Thats only if it wasn't too far to travel though!
Hmm, I worked in a medium secure forensic psychiatric unit that sits back to back to a private school. I think the common consensus was that if people did 'escape' they tend not to hang around the immediate vicinity. I know, still a worry!
i agree with bonny i would go check it out without the kids first, but seriously why would u build a childrens adventure area next door to a prison???

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