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child tax credit


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2006
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sorry if i sound thick :oops: but what is child tax credit and does every one get it ??????????/
I sent you a link for this the other week :?

Didnt you work out that you would get more than me?
i thought that was for something else sorry im being dumb thismorning :oops: :oops:
Yup everyone gets it.

I get around £45 per month at the mo because DF's earnings are over the threshold for more. I think when you have a baby under one the basic goes up to £90 pcm? Ours will for 3 of them anyway then back to £45 when Sam is one.

If you or your OH work over 16 hours and wages fall below a certain amount, (not sure what that is)you should be able to claim working tax credit too.
kirlykird said:
Yup everyone gets it.

No they dont. Depends on earnings. I'm having blue murder with them as they reckon they overpaid me and want £500 back. They wrote to me and told me I wasnt entitled to it after I moved in with OH then sent me a claim form a week later :?
Now they reckon I should have told them my P60 earnings from before I lived with OH, I did over the phone as Ive always done. They then reckon I should have made a new claim on the form they sent. Why would I do that when they'd wrote the week before clearly saying I was no longer entitled?
They also reckon they didnt have my P60 earnings, err for a start yes they did plus they're the tax office who have access to that info in the first place!!!

Computer says no, computer says no.....

If you do claim, keep every single letter they send in a seperate file, make a record of every phone call, time & date and whom you spoke to as they dont know their arse from their elbow :x
That's terrible!!!

I rang to tell them when I moved in with DF as my entitlement changed, they were happy to stop the payments but I had to nag and nag and nag and nag to actually get them to send me a new claim pack!

After 4 calls, I eventually got one :)

According to the updated booklet which I received on Fri though anyone who earns under £50k should be entitled.

I would be so angry minime if I was you !
They baffle you that much that you never know whats what with them. The amount of times they sent me my entitlement letter when I lived on my own then it would change the next week. When queried they would say oh ignore that one so you never knew where you stood with them. The old system years ago was that they knew you had a child, you made one claim and that was that. Your tax code changed to reflect you had a child and it was simple. Now its a money saving exercise, you have to claim each year and they hope you dont or they confuse you that much you cant be bothered.

From last tax year, in april to mid june I was a single parent so got about £100 a month. Then I didnt work for 3 months so I would need to claim under OH's earnings. When I went back work till January we wont be entitled as joint income was over 50k now I'm not working we're entitled again and to be honest I cant be bothered! Thats exactly what they want I know but I think we'll get something like £11 a week.

They took weeks to send a complaints form out and when Ive tried to speak to them they've hung up. I also specifically requested I speak to a manager as I'm sick of going over the same story time and time again, this again was refused.

The letters they send out are unreal stuff like thank you for your P60 information. We notice this is an estimate.... errr no its from my P60 not an estimate. Another said I owed £65, a week later it was over £500!!
I can never understand what periods they are referring to either as they keep sending stuff with my ex husbands name on, I left him 2 years ago. Again they say oh just ignore that but when you do just "ignore that" they sting you :x
I don't think everyone get's it. We don't qualify for anything!! That's just another one were not entitled too. I get a bit peeved sometimes as if hubby dropped some hours work each week we'd be just as well off as we'd get all the tax credit help also.
Don't worry,you're not missing out...£45 per month for 3 kids is nothing really.

When I go back to work we won't be entitled either :(
do you know how it would work if you salary is comission based. My DH gets a basic salary which is very low then makes it up on comission but that changes every month depending on how well or badly he does.
kirlykird said:
Don't worry,you're not missing out...£45 per month for 3 kids is nothing really.

When I go back to work we won't be entitled either :(

Gosh that's like £15 per week per child....that might just buy a packet of nappies. No wonder benefits are moaned about!! :roll:
£15 per MONTH per child!

If my DF earnt under something like £35k then we would get 3 times more I think, still think it sucks :think:

Smurf...it's all based on your previous years p60 so if you're paid through your wages and taxed for your comission this would be accounted for in that. :hug:
£15 per month....ok that's £3.75 per week - I wonder how people manage to survive on that. That's dreadful. I'm with you on what hubbies earn etc, drop a few hours/pounds and have more benefit income!! :roll:
at mo we r on about 55 a week, will go down to 40somethin nearer to Jamies bday?
Minime said:
kirlykird said:
Yup everyone gets it.

No they dont. Depends on earnings. I'm having blue murder with them as they reckon they overpaid me and want £500 back. They wrote to me and told me I wasnt entitled to it after I moved in with OH then sent me a claim form a week later :?
Now they reckon I should have told them my P60 earnings from before I lived with OH, I did over the phone as Ive always done. They then reckon I should have made a new claim on the form they sent. Why would I do that when they'd wrote the week before clearly saying I was no longer entitled?
They also reckon they didnt have my P60 earnings, err for a start yes they did plus they're the tax office who have access to that info in the first place!!!

Computer says no, computer says no.....

If you do claim, keep every single letter they send in a seperate file, make a record of every phone call, time & date and whom you spoke to as they dont know their arse from their elbow :x

As my husband always says - That's civil servants for you

And yes, keep a copy of EVERYTHING!!

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