Chicken Recipes please.... SHERLOCK YOU ARE A STAR!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I have friends coming round on Fri night for some food and a catch up.

I was going to do a big pot of curry as it was requested by a friend, but now I have found out one isnt a fan of curry and the other has just had her teeth whitened so isnt allowed anything that could stain teeth for 2wks.

So now I will make a pot of lamb curry and I am wanting some ideas for chicken.

Something saucy that will go with rice so I am not "faffing" about too much, but it cant stain teeth and cant have cheese in it.

Ideas on a postcard please folks!! :D
I made this chicken thing once, i have tried looking for the recipie but I can't find it!
This is what I think it is -
You get some chicken breasts, chicken soup, red wine, cheese slices and stuffing.

Put a cheese slice on each chicken breast, Mix the red wine and chicken soup, drizzle it over
the chicken, sprinkle the uncooked stuffing over the chicken and cook.
I do chicken in a white wine, lemon and cream sauce. Very simple, great served with rice and some green veggies.

Fry off sliced chicken breast(s) in a bit of butter. When cooking add a drop/splash/glass/bottle (to taste) of white wine :lol: . Then cook till chicken cooked thorugh. Then squeeze in juice of one lemon (two if making for 4 or more) and add some single cream. Stir through and serve.

Pretty much add what you like of the sauce ingredients to give it the flavour you are happy with. I make mine strong on lemon and wine and chuck in a small pot of single cream when I cook for 4 people.
ooooh Sherlock that sounds yum!!

I was thinking maybe a creamy peppercorn sauce, but yours sounds so much better!
i did this last week and it was yum:

bash out the chicken breast
spread with pesto and cheese (i used grated mild cheddar)
roll it up
wrap in bacon - secure with cocktail sticks if needed
fry off in pan for about 4 mins
then put in a baking tray, cover with foil and bake for 10 mins or until the juices run clear

slice up serve with buttery new potatoes & curly kale

:) :)

edit: damn, just realised you don't want the cheese - am pretty sure it would be tasty without the cheese too though!
Girls she said no cheese !!!! :wall: :D

Im hopeless but really fancy chicken now iv read these recipes, might try one if im feeling really adventurous later, bought a big organic chicken 5 mins before closing at sainsburys for 99p :dance: :dance: :dance: down from £9, goo yellow stickers !!

Like i said im hopeless at cooking ideas really, probably old el passo for me :lol:
Ooooh I want to share mine!! :D

Honey Barbecued Chicken!!

You can use thieghs or legs. Grill the chicken first and while that's goin on make the sauce using chopped tomatoes, chicken stock, a pinch of salt and pepper and basil and add honey and worcester sauce to taste. Put into a pot along with the chicken and cook for about 30 mins. Serve with rice :D I haven't made that for yonks..Gonna have it for dinner tomorrow!!

Thanks SarahH!!! :D :D :D
Sherlock said:
I do chicken in a white wine, lemon and cream sauce. Very simple, great served with rice and some green veggies.

Fry off sliced chicken breast(s) in a bit of butter. When cooking add a drop/splash/glass/bottle (to taste) of white wine :lol: . Then cook till chicken cooked thorugh. Then squeeze in juice of one lemon (two if making for 4 or more) and add some single cream. Stir through and serve.

Pretty much add what you like of the sauce ingredients to give it the flavour you are happy with. I make mine strong on lemon and wine and chuck in a small pot of single cream when I cook for 4 people.

I just made this and my god it is lovely!!!! Highly receomend it to you all.... Thank you Sherlock!!!
I might have too try that as well, mental note to buy white wine and chicken at the weekend!

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