chicken pox help :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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ALana has got quite bad chicken pox :( and i feel awful for her, shes soo itchy and not sleeping well. Whats the chances Harriet could catch it? Is there any thing I should to to avoid her getting it?

apart from camomile lotion whats good for the spots?

Thanks in advance x
I was looking for a google bit on the Oatmeal bath, which I've heard is GREAT in helping the itch, and I found this -

Chicken Pox treatment using Brown Vinegar
The use of brown vinegar is one of the most important among the several home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. Half a cup of this vinegar should be added to a bath of warm water. This will relieve the irritation of the skin.

Chicken Pox treatment using Oatmeal
A bath of oatmeal is considered a natural remedy for relieving the itch due to chicken pox. This bath is prepared by cooking two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water for fifteen minutes. This mixture is then put into a cloth bag, preferably cotton, and a string is tied tightly around the top. This bag is allowed to float in a tub of warm water, and swished around until the water becomes turbid. Precaution should be taken to ensure that the bag is not torn. The child with chicken pox can splash and play in the water, making sure that water goes over all the scalds, while the pouch of oatmeal can remain in the tub .

Chicken Pox treatment using Pea Water
Green pea water is another effective remedy for relieving irritation of the skin. The water in which fresh peas have been cooked can be used for this purpose.

Chicken Pox treatment using Baking Soda
Baking soda is a popular remedy to control the itching in chicken pox. Some baking soda should be put in a glass of water. The child should be sponged with this water, so that the soda dries on the skin. This will keep the child away from scratching the eruptions.

Chicken Pox treatment using Vitamin E Oil
The use of vitamin E oil is valuable in chicken pox. This oil should be rubbed on the skin. It will have a healing effect. The marks left by chicken pox will fade away by this application.

Chicken Pox treatment using Honey
The use of honey as an external application has also proved valuable in chicken pox. The skin should be smeared with honey. It will help in the healing of the disease within three days.

Chicken Pox treatment using Carrot and Coriander
A soup prepared from carrots and coriander has been found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. About 100 gm of carrots and 60 gm of fresh coriander should be cut into small pieces and boiled for a while. The residue should be discarded. This soup should be taken once a day

Chicken Pox treatment using Herbal Tea
A mild sedative herbal tea can also prove beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. This tea can be prepared from any of the herbs like chamomile (babunah), basil (holy basil), marigold (zergul) and lemon balm (billilotan). A little cinnamon (cinnamon), honey, and lemon may be added to this tea. 1t should be sipped slowly several times a day.

Dietaries for Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox : Home Remedies suggested by users
Raw fruit and vegetable juices and lemon juice
To begin with, the patient should be put on a juice diet for a few days. He should be given plenty of raw fruit and vegetable juices. Lemon juice is considered to be especially beneficial.

All-fruit diet and well-balanced diet
As the condition improves, the patient can be placed on an all-fruit diet for the next few days. Thereafter, he may be allowed to gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

Hope something in the above helps!

And as for Harriet not catching it, I'm afraid the chances are pretty slim. Although babies deal with it a lot better than older kids!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ohh thansk for that, i will try that oatmeal bath, im guessing i can buy it in the cerial section of shop> :?
I can recommend the baking soda one - worked well for us in the bath.

Oh and Piriton syrup was a god-send! It really does work to stop the itching and is great help for getting them to sleep as it can make them drowsy!
let Harriet get it now :) best to get it out the way... poor alannah though :(
heres her feeling sorry for herself this morning

Used to be the thinking was if babies got chicken pox it was often less severe than if they get it when a bit older. I'd not worry overly about Harriet getting it. TBH the sooner she does the better as less likely to have any scarring or scratching etc. That way she'll be immune then also :)

FWIW once the spots come out and start to form scabs they are no longer infectious. Alana would have been infectious from as early as 10 days ago. Maybe sooner.

Hope Alana feels better soon.
My oldest nephew got it when his brother was only a few weeks old. It was horrible but he got over it quite fast. They reckon its easier for them to have it as babies due to them not scratching at it as much.

Try calamine lotion too.
Nathan and Aimee both caught chicken pox at the same time last year off their older sister. Aimee was about 19 months and Nathan was about 4 month. As you can see from the pictures Nathan got them really mild in comparison to Aimee. Mine took 14 days for them to come out from 1st contact. I was told that babies still have some immunity under 6 months so that why they usually have them mild. Hope your rid of the soon :hug:


Defintely recommend piriton and we also used calpol which helped to dull the uncomfortable feeling so they could sleep.

I think if you're breastfeeding then Harriet might gain your antibodies which means she may not get it this time. However, if she does then at least it's out of the way and it'll prob only be a few spots.

Good luck, she does look miserable, bless her x
Thanks for all the replys, Alanas look really mild compared to your pictures, shes over them now, and the marks are all fading now.

Luckily Harriet avoided :D
just to update... Harriet now has it :wall: hers are really big weepy spots, and shes being sooo tearful and wriggling about with the itchyness.

shes got loads of her nappy area, and when she pees shes screaming, trying to keep her out of nappy as much as possible, but i cant take being peed on any more lol
Aww poor Harriet :(
Best gotton out the way tho hun.
OH caught chicken pox last year not long after i found out i was preggars. Thankfully i had had them when i was younger. OH really suffered with it, and the spots were huge and all pussy and he has quite a few scars now. Oh and he got quite a few down there :? poor bloke was sat dousing his bits in lotion :lol:

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