Cheesy footballs

I goddamn hope so as I have just bought a tin of em!!
i hope so!

ive been eating lots and lots of them!!!!
should be fine :)
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I googled!!!!! :)
They sound yum!! We don't get them over here :(
This is hilarious! I've never heard of these, even though I live in the UK. They sound great!
Yes hun, you have inspired me to go buy some now :)
ive brought cheeslets for xmas........ love them.
dont see why we cant eat them.
Thank you, they are yummy, and as it said soft cheesy on the tin I was'nt sure if you could eat them
yeah its only certain soft cheeses you should avoid. im quite partial to dairylea at the moment
yer can have certain soft chease, think basically its brie and ones with blue bits in etc.
but primula, dairylea are ok i think. so cheesy foot balls should be fine.
Lol I had no idea what this was. Thought they were like corn crisps like monster munch but cheese flavoured and shaped like a ball...

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