Changed his milk to SMA Staydown


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I have given in and changed his milk to SMA staydown, after spending all day changing either mine or his clothes! He has plastered my floor and his pushchair.
Hes been throwing up loads and I thought once I had started him on solids it would get better, but it didnt, it just got smellier and colourful.
Has anyone else used this? I was using SMA hungrier baby milk and he had been on that for about 8 weeks.
Hopefully We should see a change over the next few days!
Has he always been sicky? Tried it but ended sticking it in the cupboard never to be used again as it was a pain in the arse to make up. Even at silly cold temperatures it was always far too thick - she couldn't get it out stage 2 or variflow teats on 2 different types of bottle though she is generally quite a lazy feeder and will lose interest/fall asleep if the flow is too slow. We'd only just changed to stage 2 teats so I decided against going out to buy stage 3. Because it's cornstarch based it thickens at the slightest sign of warmth. Even phoned the SMA helpline who said I was making it up wrong (eh.. no). If you have success with it you can have mine!

We were told to seriously think about weaning her at 4 months (she is SO not ready!) with the sickiness and to change her to comfort milk (gave her dreadful diarrhoea and she screamed unless she wasn't changed 10 times a day). Wednesday we went to the doctors, told it was definitely reflux and she's been prescribed infant gaviscon which goes in her SMA gold. It's fantastic - she's been sick once or twice a tiny amount in the 3 days but only straight after a feed and only because she did a gigantic burp!
He has always been a sicky baby, but It wasnt worrying me because his weight has always been great. Its only the fact the volume of sick has gone up and it smells that Its bothering me. It doesnt seem to bother Alex at all.
The SMA Staydown does seem very thick - but alex is very greedy so the fact it may take him longer to drink it might help him not to guzzle it down! He has thrown up this morning but it was nowhere near as much as normal. If its still the same by thursday I will talk to th HV about it (I am having him weighed on Thursday).

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