CD 41 and still waiting :o( ..........


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

Well still no Af or BFP!
Have been trying not to test to much since i had a BFN on a CB digi a few days ago. oping AF will just turn up and be gone so we can concentrat on next month. I am so frustarted why have my cycles gone mad! I was always so regular before DS at 30-32 days and now its the longest i've ever had!

Had another faint line on an internet cheapy but have been having them for a week or so so not thinking anythig of it.

I would have had to Ov REALLY late to still be pg. The last time we BD'd was on 25th April so that was 13 days ago. Is there any chance i could be preg this cycle??

I'm so frustrated. And i have my other halfs surprise party saturday that i have spent ages organising and have a lovely dress for. I bet AF turns up then!!


Hi hun, well if you OV'd around the same time you last BD'd then AF should turn up over the next few days (14 days after OV) unless you're pg. I can sympathise with not knowing what's going on, I just started AF today after a 50 day cycle :shock: I have no idea what was going on but hope my cycles are normal after this! I really hope either AF or a BFP turns up for you soon :hug:
:hug: :hug: I know just how you feel - I am currently on CD120 ish - having had normal cycles of 28 days upto my ectopic last year...... I'm going to get my tests started with the fertility clinic on 21st May but to be honest that is just to see the nurse for tests etc wont see the consultant until 4th August so wont get anything to start me off until then!!!!

Hope you get sorted soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Me too, I'm on CD40-45(?) and still no sign of anything, I'm climbing the walls!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I know how you feel as well I am currently on cd 146. My cycles was always 28 days but after a early miscarriage they have got longer. I have had a load of blood tests done and all came back normal and my doctor is going to refer me. He wanted my husband to get his sperm tested first as we have been trying for a year and we got the results back today and his swimmers are fine :cheer: :cheer:

There is always a chance that you could still get pregnant it was only 2 weeks or so ago the Petra got her BFP on cd 152 or around then.

Good Luck and sending us all babydust. :pray: :pray:
i know ive got two, but been trying for 3rd for what seems like ever now, starting to feel a bit down about it, especially as everyone just seems to come and then go on ttc then more or less move straight on to 1st trimester.

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