My little girl is seriously cool! Her daddy is just bursting with pride right now.
As we were walking up the stairs (stood up unaided and not holding onto anything might i add!!!!) she counted the stairs! We do it every time we walk up and down the stairs and she often says the numbers after me but now when we start off she does it herself and gets to 5 before she gets stuck! My little genius!
Its hilarious actually because now its 1-2-3-4-5-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9
I know its repetition and shes not some child prodigy genius but i dont think its bad for 17 months!
We have funny conversations now too, her vocabulary is amazing
I think im going to have to start potty training soon too because she now tells me when she is wet and when she has pooed.
I love my little girl!
As we were walking up the stairs (stood up unaided and not holding onto anything might i add!!!!) she counted the stairs! We do it every time we walk up and down the stairs and she often says the numbers after me but now when we start off she does it herself and gets to 5 before she gets stuck! My little genius!
Its hilarious actually because now its 1-2-3-4-5-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9
I know its repetition and shes not some child prodigy genius but i dont think its bad for 17 months!
We have funny conversations now too, her vocabulary is amazing
I think im going to have to start potty training soon too because she now tells me when she is wet and when she has pooed.
I love my little girl!