Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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as if im not worried/stressed enough about my bloody hands and wrists hurting,(doc thinks i have carpal tunnel syndrome) i have found out today that they are making many people in our office redundant.
as i am pretty close to starting my Maternity leave and am currently on sick for 2 weeks im worried that they will not see my as an ideal candidate to keep on??
i have not been forced to give an exact date to leave as yet but was going to stay til 3-4 weeks before my EDD,i told my HR department this and they were fine and said to give them the official date in january when im closer to leaving,are they allowed to get rid of me at the stage im at now??
i have googled this but it mainly tells you your rights once you are on maternity leave.
i know i will get SMP whether or not i am made redundant or not but my works pay is much better then SMP and if i was made redundant now,im assuming that my SMP would start straight away leaving me less time to spend with bubs once they stop paying me this??

any advice ladies ..........please!!

sorry if you have read this more then once,i have posted in 3rd tri and members only aswell to try and get more replies/advice!
I have just been made redundant whlst on maternity leave so yes they can. However don't panic at this stage. It worked out well for me mind you,knowing what I know now about the job market I may have dug my heels in to stay a bit longer.

They made me redundant after 12 weeks maternity pay. I told them I was taking forty weeks maternity so they paid me the remianing 28 weeks in a lump sum. I probably couldn't have afforded to stay off for 40 weeks but it worked to my advantage. I still got my accrued holidays paid and a weeks pay for every year i'd been there.

Bear in mind you'll be taxed on it except for the redundancy element but it will work out ok...just you wait and see.
timsmom said:
I have just been made redundant whlst on maternity leave so yes they can. However don't panic at this stage. It worked out well for me mind you,knowing what I know now about the job market I may have dug my heels in to stay a bit longer.

They made me redundant after 12 weeks maternity pay. I told them I was taking forty weeks maternity so they paid me the remianing 28 weeks in a lump sum. I probably couldn't have afforded to stay off for 40 weeks but it worked to my advantage. I still got my accrued holidays paid and a weeks pay for every year i'd been there.

Bear in mind you'll be taxed on it except for the redundancy element but it will work out ok...just you wait and see.

many thanks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i have spoken to my HR department today to give my definate leaving date to start my maternity,they never mentioned anything about the redundancies,they all happened yesterday,a few people at work told me as im on sick at the moment,it seems they are leaving the office staff alone for now,the next lot are january so as i leave work at the end of january im hoping i will be okay :pray:

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