Busy weekend!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Sorry ive not been around much the last few days. Ive been stuck in hospital most of the weekend and yesterday.

Long story, but Sat LO was playing up and messing around on the trace. Got to the point where if she didn't behave for the last 40 mins they where going to induce because they where worried about her. They recon she was just playing with her cord, but she was doing it for over an hour (i was hooked up to the ecg machine for 2 1/2 ish hours in the end).

Sunday, i was showing some symptoms of pre eclampsia (sp), but my blood presure was fine. They made me stay in the ward till i felt ok enough to go home and they had got some test results back.

And yesterday, i woke up to find myself lying on my bathroom floor not knowing how i got there! I recon i must have got out of bed in a sleepy state, walked to the bathroom to be sick, and passed out. I woke up, sat up to quick, went to lay back down on my side for 5 mins, and hit my head on the side of the bath. Ended up going to A&E to check that everything was ok, and that i hadn't hurt anything when i passed out (i couldn't remember passsing out, so i didn't know if i had fell on my front). Everything was ok, but i had to spend all day in hospital.

Anyway, just wanted to wish all those having inductions / sweeps / MW appointments / etc... good luck! And for those overdue, i hope your LO's come soon!!!!
Oh god Sam, you are just not having an easy time of it are you hun :hug:
crikey... your having a rough time of it!

hope ur feeling ok now xx
Poor you Sam :hug: Hope your feeling more normal again now!
God :shock: hope you feel better now, good luck for rest of pregnancy
thanks ladies! feeling loads better today (just like i have a cold now)

has anyone else had problems with fainting during pregnancy? its happened a couple of times to me in the last few weeks.

still only 26 days to go!!! hehe :dance: :shock:
Glad you're feeling better today! :hug:

I've not had any fainting, but i think i've been quite lucky with my pregnancy compared to some of you ladies, especially you Sam!

God 26 days is not long at all, then you'll be holdginy our LO, i'm so jealous!
Hope you're feeling ok!

You're not having much luck are you?

Hope it all goes a little better for you from now :hug:
Vicki83 said:
Glad you're feeling better today! :hug:

I've not had any fainting, but i think i've been quite lucky with my pregnancy compared to some of you ladies, especially you Sam!

God 26 days is not long at all, then you'll be holdginy our LO, i'm so jealous!

i don't make things easy for people! I seem to have a few wonderfully easy 'normal' days, then they find something else wrong.

On the plus side, LO is doing fine (and already playing up!). Its just me making life difficult! and ive got another scan in 50 mins, so i get to see bubba again! :cheer:

26 days is scary! its no time at all and its going to go too quick! I don't want my bump to go :(
That's the best way, make them work hehe!

That's the main thing though, that LO is doing well! You lucky witch getting to see LO again! :shakehead: :lol:

Your bump might go but your LO will be here! :cheer:
:( i almost fainted during my scan again today, so spent most of my time on my side, trying to sort myself out, whilst they did the scan. I feel crappy again now :puke:

Did ask if they could print a couple of pics off though (its hard to get great pics, because my fluid levels are still low. plus, LO had her hands in front of her face):

This is the best one bigger:

they checked - she is still a girl :) she is doing fab! fluid levels are still low, but not so low that they are that worried. plus, got my next scan booked in for monday! :dance:
lol - she is still a girl!!!

hope ur not feeling too rotten, its worht it hun! :hug:
Sorry you have had a rough few days Sam. Glad all went well at the scan this morning and that LO is coming along nicely, not long now till she makes her appearance. I suffer with low blood pressure and find that I have to carry some chocolate or biscuits with me just in case I come over all woozy (not that I mind my daily fix of dairy milk!!) - is your appetite ok?
last few days hasn't been. Really been living off sugary tea, because i couldn't keep solids down. i think over the weekend i managed to keep down 2 jacket potatoes, a ham sandwich, and a couple of slices of dry toast. I ate more, but it didn't last long. Lost count of cups of teas with tones of sugar in ( my mums answer to everthing! bless!!).

Appetite is normally pretty good. I have the odd naughty thing (mostly seems to be cheese on toast atm!), but im eating loads better than what i was before being pregnant. My blood presure is about the only thing that has been perfect all the way though. i think it's the fact that is fine that is stopping them admitting me at the mo (phew!!)

Mummykay - i asked the person doing the scan to check she hadn't grown anything :rotfl:
samrbtson said:
Mummykay - i asked the person doing the scan to check she hadn't grown anything :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: brilliant!! and clearly she hasnt lol!!
Why couldnt you keep anything down then hun? Was that to do with your pre-eclampsia scare on Sunday?
crikey you have had an eventfull weekend :hug:

Hope things get better for you sam doesnt sound much fun at all :hug:
Ah sam hope you and bubba are ok!
she knows how to play you up already bless her!
looking forward to seeing a picture of her soon! :D :D
my pregnancy is taking forever! :?
take care x x

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