Bump size and Height?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Just wondering does your bump size have anything to do with your build and height?

I'm 5 foot nothing and have a fairly curvy but petite frame....everyone keeps on that I'm not gonna have much of a bump....but I really want a nice roundly tummy! Does your size and height really matter?xx
I think it differs by the person and the baby.

Actyually can some mums confirm if they carried their babies differently?
Don't believe it! You usually show more if you are small, cos obviously taller ladies have more area to stretch their bumps over! I'm only 5'3" and with both pregnancies I've been all bump. This was a few weeks ago at 12 weeks, haven't taken one since but you can imagine I look about 6 months now!! But then this is my second baby so popped a bit earlier, but I was quite big last time too. Had a big baby as well, he was 8lb 14oz, dread to think what this one will be. I'm sure you will pop soon hun, then you'll soon be complaining how uncomfortable you are! x

I'm 26 weeks and i think that i just look fat, infact yesterday was the first time i think that someone has noticed that i was pregnant without me saying!!!!!!
I want a bump too!!!!!!!!
Im 5ft 1...

Tillytots said:
ok here is this weeks bumpage

32+5 in my Tesco Jams :dance:


Look, my baby sits in my lap :rotfl: scuse OH in the background


Rather mahoosive :rotfl:
I am 5 ft 9 but overweight i havent any sign of a bump yet, my mum didnt show until 6 monthd and she is about the same height, i have been led to believe that the taller you are, the more space bubs has in your abdomen before they emerge, dont know how true this is
Doesn't make any difference. I am 5ft 9 and a size 16, I have had a huge bump since 8 weeks. I was bigger when I was pregnant with jack and had a big bump early on then as well.

Everyone and every pregnancy is different.
Awwww Tilly your bump is gorgeous. Is this in the bumpage thread in 3rd tri also? I've not peeked in there for a while.

Have to say I'm tall and my bump suddenly popped out about 24 weeks. However now, although other women are maybe more 'out' than me, when you see my face on, my bump tends to be wider and sits a bit lower than some :roll: In some ways I'm glad its not up under my boobs as I'd have a hell of a job to move around. I'm less restricted than some I've seen with higher bumps.

At our birthing class yesterday there were 4 women due ahead of me by at least a month. Some just after me. My hubby commented and said I had the biggest bump there :shock: The smaller ladies had bumps in proportion to their bodies, but overall mine was of course bigger and seemed to just take up more of me than some of the bumps did on other ladies :think:

But I adore my bump and its bumpness :lol:
lovely bumps :) but i have to say i'm a little scared now at the thought of being that big :shock: :shock: :shock:

i'm 5'2 ish i think and a size 14-16 and so far i just have a nice round bump at the front. i hope it stays all bump but i am so scared of getting that big :rotfl:
I'm 5ft 9, didn't have a bump until about 7 months with my first and i'm not showing now. In my first pregnany I was told I was going to have a small baby, it took my consultant to tell me it was because I was taller with a longer torso that I had not developed a bump. xx
WOW Claire, you are STUNNING in your avator pic!! :shock:

I don't think it has anything to do with height/weight or anything. My mum is very slim and about 5'2" and carried HUGE with me (her 1st) and very small with all her others so I don't think it has any relevance. Most smaller women carry larger I thought? :think: xxx
I've always been quite small but i consider my bump to massive, people are always commenting on it, and i even have customers where i work who come in regularily pointing out how much its grown. I think the size of bumps depends on the individual not your size

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