Brookes tarot reading


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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Ive just received my tarot reading from Brooke and it is really positive.

Just wondering from past reading does she have a good sucess rate?

Many thanks
Ive only really seen positive notes about cherry. But I know a couple of posters that she was right with. I'll let you know if she was right for me next month, but hopefully one of them will be as I've had different times off all 3 of them lol.
Thanks for your feedback, I'll keep everything crossed that she's right for me too :pray:
She was wrong for me and when I emailed to let her know she said that she is often a few months out but to just keep trying :shock: WFT did I pay her for then?!?!
Thankyou for the feedback skairdykat, I think the answer is to just take it with a pinch of salt and not pin all my hopes on her prediciton. Or TRY not to anyway, lol!
Alot of the time people say she was right beause they get pregnant when really it was going to happen anyway.
There are to mamy con artists out there.

Who is this brook?
how comes a lot use her?
Cyprus08 said:
Thankyou for the feedback skairdykat, I think the answer is to just take it with a pinch of salt and not pin all my hopes on her prediciton. Or TRY not to anyway, lol!

Yeah definately take it as just a bit of fun otherwise you'll go loopy lol

Yeah definately take it as just a bit of fun otherwise you'll go loopy lol

Hate to admit it but i think its a bit late for me lol
She was right for me and about me taking supplements to help me concieve. she said Nov.

I ll be due very end of July and Cheri said August and was nearly right, I might go over and be due in August
they are mediums who specialise in pre-conception and pregnancy related readings
Well, when I went to see a clairvoyant recently she saw a birth... But my dog has puppies soon... :rotfl:

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