Bray wants a pet


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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OK so this morning Braydon has informed me he wants a rabbit like wot they have at nursery :twisted: dam that place :twisted:

thing is we live in a flat, so wot kinda pet can i get him that he wont kill, and i wont be scared offf?
no one even mention the words, snake, spider, or rat, coz ill kill them :rotfl:
What about a hamster, they make great pets and stephen has a chinese one called millie and he loves her. Though id say in general a syrian hamster is better as the little ones are too damn quick!
TBH there isn't much you can go for in a flat and with him still being so young. He can't handle small quick creatures like mice and gerbils (too rat like for you methinks also :lol: ) and hamsters are nocturnal and can be fiesty and nip lots if not handled well. He'd never see it awake during the day and at night they can make a racket.

A house rabbit is not advisable in a flat IMHO. And neither is a guinea pig as I think they both need grass and fresh air on a regular basis.

I'd go for the old staple of some goldfish to start with. OK a bit boring but he can watch them, pick things out for the tank and you can let him choose which ones. They have great goldfish varieties. Also easy to keep, clean out etc.

I used to keep everything from rabbits to hamsters, gerbils and pigeons when younger. Also had hermit crabs, found some slo worms in the wild, cats, dogs, ponies and goodness knows what else. My mother never got me my own actual pet in the house till I was 5 and was able to take care of it myself. Until then it was always something that I could watch/see but was not really anything needing handling etc.

Worth keeping in mind that usually once a child has had a pet a while they lose interest and the pet gets forgotten. Then its down to the parents to care for it and often the poor buggers don't have the greatest lives. I've seen so many rabbits etc rehomed via a friend of mine because kids wanted them then got bored and the parents could not be bothered or didn't have time to care for them properly.

I'd say to him to wait a little while, and see if he mentions it again over the next couple of weeks. If he is still keen then go for some fish, if not, let it slide and don't get a pet till a bit older.
A fish is a great idea. Santa brought one for Jonah 2 years ago and he LOVED it. Kissed the tank goodnight and everything.
I know how you feel, Lydia wants a dog :wall:

how about a goldfish
a rock...

Word to the wise... don't go down the live animal route :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I recommend a goldfish- they are cheap and don't live that long so when he gets bored of it you won't be stuck with it for 20 years! BUT on the other hand, if he loves it and doesn't get bored of it- they all look the same so you can replace a dead goldfish without being caught out! :wink:
Goldfish all look the same too, if you catch my drift!
NickyB said:
Goldfish all look the same too, if you catch my drift!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: That reminds me when I had a pet goldfish and it died my dad replace the thing with a carrot so I wouldn't notice!!!!! It took me a good few weeks before I found it and screamed my head off thinking fishywishy had turned into a carrot!!!

Seriously though fish are a great idea, you can take him to a garden centre and choose one, he could get a more tropical one if you want that would be cool!xx
def fish we bought Hannah these at christmas and she loves them
h wow where did u get the dora stuff from mary?
and did they do stuff like thomas?
it was from pets at home and they did dora and spongebob it was £19.99 complete u just add fish
nickilubs said:
Ooooo or Seamonkeys! I always wanted them!

Mason's got some at the moment, and some tadpoles (not in the same tank obviously!)

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