

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hey hun aint seen u online for a while i hope u, Sera, Bayley, Amelie are all ok
yay my own post haha

ye were all ok now but me n bayley have been really sick with some bug so weve both been in bed for the last week n poor lil sera has watched every dvd she has about 100 times with me crawlin out of bed to make her some beans lol

i still feel like shit n i havent eaten anythin since last sunday n bayleys only had water poor lad

amelies doing gr8 too she weighed 3lb 14 last time i spoke to u n then she lost some n now she weighs 3lb 15.5 n on saturday im stayin @ the hospital to get used to lookin after her n sez n bayl r stayin next door and then on monday (fingers crssed) shes coming home


oh ye and ive had a very official letter from dannys solicitor through my mum dw lol he dont have my address yet sarah anyway the letter says that hes applying for full custody of bayley and amelie :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: im gonna go over there n murder him grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

luv braiana x
Aww thats good news amelie will be home soon!

Bad news about you and bayley being poorly and about the custody thing! Has he been to visit Amelie in hosp?

Hope you feel better soon

no i havent given him my address n ive told him that he aint seeing them at all so no he hasnt even seen her
and i spoke to him for the first time since like april a couple of tuesdays ago grrrrrrrrrrrr
i wudnt mind as much if he actually made an effort but if he expects me to just let him see them whenever he feels like being a daddy n then dissappear into the backgrounds until he remembers them then hes wrong
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr makes me soooooooooooooo angry

Im glad she is finally coming home soon must be hard not having her home.

That is too bad about the cutody thing i hate when dads do that then wanna be in the kids life really pisses me off :twisted: i dont think the courts would hand them over to him neways so dont worry hun.
hope you and Bayley feel better xxxx
Hiya good news about Amelie, hope u n bailey get better soon!!

Ignore that idiot there is no chance in hell he would get full custody, he probably wont be granted any custody since he obviously isnt that bothered about seeing them! What a dick.

Anyways get well soon hunni n take care

cas xx
full custody think everyone can guess wot i am thinking and it aint nice!!
im so glad she is coming home YAY means u wont be on much tho :(

hope u n Bayley are feeling better soon
ye were both nearly better :D

glad u all think dan wont get custody lol

oh ye i forgot to tell you Amelie has been havin apnea attacks very very scary and she also has very bad reflux so is on ranitidine :( my poor baby

luv braiana x
oh no thats horrible im so sorry hun
have u spoken to sami damien has apnia and reflux badly so mite be able to give u advice

aww hun thats no good hope you are getting on okay
ye sarah i have spoken 2 sami

only 3 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gettin worried now :(
AND amelie grace is 1 month old today!!!!!!!!! corrected age 34/35 weeks :shock:

luv braiana xxxx
omg i cant believe shes a month ull be fine hun bet shell love being at home with mummy sera and bayley
ye i know i cant believe it either n i hope she likes bein at home lol im sooo nervous lol

been to the hospital earlier n theyve told me she'll have to have a apnea monitor so i have to have a lesson to learn how to work it and to resucitate her :shock:

luv b xxx
no my mums gotta go back to work :( they had to resusitate her this dinner :( horrible n scary usually she starts breathing when they rub her back n legs
luv b x
omg hun i hope shes ok gd luck 4 today
luv marylou x

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