nope not finding out the sex nikki! But i suppose if it pops into view well ill have to look.
Im going to ask them to write it on a piece of paper though and put it in an envelope. I did ask at the 20 week scan but the miserable cow who did it wouldn't do that
i know! i searched the internet for a new pregnany avatar and found this onewhere you build your own. I realised it was like yours ! its nice i like it and it actually looks like me!
Lucky you! My Dh is being a right stinge saying we can't afford it! they are about £200 here. My midwife was adamant we are having a girl and it is all the latest equipment so she said its almost impossible to make a mistake but I am still worried she'll pop out a boy! I told my DH he would have to live as a girl for the first year anyway
i wouldn't be able to littlelady but my mum wanted to treat me. Its my last pregnancy too so its my last chance. I bet you'll get another chance or more in time to come. and it will possibly be cheaper in the future for you too
Oh sweetie, I am dead excited for ya!! I cant wait for mine, its AGES away-not till October!!!!!!
Cant wait to see your piccies
My pal in work had one last week, she brought the DVD in an we huddled around it to watch it on her portable DVD had lovely moving music over it...I blubbed like a loon!!! Everyone was looking at me like I was demented!!! I was clutching my heart going "Bless, look at his hands, Bless, look at his ears...." for the hormonal pregnant woman
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