

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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The buyer for our house have just pulled out
Gotta go through all the viewing thing again, I hate it.
Wish we could hurry up & move then the estate agents will have to do it!
:hug: nicki, I hope it all goes very quickly for you and you get moved very soon!!
Oh no poor you thats horrible!
This happened to me when I sold my first flat. But stupidly I had agreed to exchange and complete on the same day. I had just emptied my flat of ALL my belongings without the help of a removal company, then I got a call on my mobile from my solicitor to say she'd changed her mind. No reason given!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
I was soooo livid and if I ever see that cow I'll kill her!!!
Anyway enough of my ranting, I hope you soon find another buyer without too much stress, GOOD LUCK!
mummykay said:
o no, why did they call it off???

Well she really wants the house & was in tears when she told the estate agents they had changed their minds, apparently her OH wasn't as keen & the FIL has had a big input into the decision (I can see an arguement brewing!!) so who knows, maybe they will change theor minds back? hopefully.

Ironically the sold sign went up today so they got to come back & change it now!! so p'd off.

If he knows what's good for him, he'll do as his wife wants (always the best way :wink: )
We got another offer on our house for the full asking price :shock: :cheer: Hmmmmm we'll see, won't believe it until its all gone through though!!
Yaayyyyyy :dance:

How's the purchase going?

We were told yesterday there's a 4 week backlog on local authority searches with our local council :( I already know the pub on the corner is getting turned into flats, that there's a new road going in a mile away in xx years and that Mrs B at no. 119 wants a dormer window - why do I need to wait 4 weeks for the council to tell me :roll:
WOW Nicki, what a rollercoaster you are on at the mo!! Good luck with this one girl, really hope it all goes through :hug:
tracyM said:
Yaayyyyyy :dance:

How's the purchase going?

We were told yesterday there's a 4 week backlog on local authority searches with our local council :( I already know the pub on the corner is getting turned into flats, that there's a new road going in a mile away in xx years and that Mrs B at no. 119 wants a dormer window - why do I need to wait 4 weeks for the council to tell me :roll:

:rotfl: why don't you tell them that, save them time & money!!

As per the purchase we are still waiting for the contracts but things have to be sorted out first i.e the water supply & septc tank responsilbilities etc, all taking its time :roll: so who knows when we'll actually move. Our house is sold so thats a bonus!! fingers crossed it'll stay that way!
oh god, glad i read all this post ... i was like oh noooo then oh yay......


fingers crossed !x

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