boobies / breastfeeding..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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This is prob really silly question.. but..

My boobs havent grown atall during pregnancy, and there not really sore,
they do occasionally leak a tiny bit, but nothing much..

will i be able to breastfeed? i plan on it 100%, if i cant obveously i cant, but i'd really like too..

do your boobs normally change after baby born? its just so close to Due Date, and i feel my boobs arnt ready lol xx
don't worry! Milk doesn't come in properly until around day 4 after the birth so that's when the biggest changes occur. I didn't really have any sensations in my boobs on last pregnancy and due to b/f propblems on my first I wasn't sure I'd be able to feed succesfully. but I did. I have been leaking but there's no other symtoms so far.
Read up as much as you can on breastfeeding on here before your baby is born. it will help immensely to know what to look out for and what to expect, it helped me when I was pregnant. Having a large bust before pregnancy and feeding, then going up a few cup sizes when your milk comes in is no fun, so don't wish yourself too much of an inflated chest!

Good luck!
thanks for reply hun..

i'm average sized chest at moment, and happy, dnt relly want them bigger.. understandably tho they'll change when breastfeed.. (providing i can) i'll start readin.. i hadnt thought of that :doh: ) xx
It means nothing hun! I leaked at 15 weeks for about 2 days and nothing after that! Boobs hardly changed etc and we breastfeed for almost 6 weeks :D In fact, I had SOOOO much milk at times it was crazy! We only stopped because Evie had latching problems and after her lil op on her tongue she still didn't latch any better :( xx
I had a tiny leak that I prob would have missed if not in the shower and we are BF now :D
thanks for replies girlies... :) i'm reassured now hehe..

Dannii.. what lil op did evie have.. did i miss somethin? aww the poor mite how shes ok :hug: xxx
Your milk will probably come in round day 3 (could be up to 7 days) and when it does you will resemble Pammy for a week or so, then it calms right down and they settle. Mine are now only slightly bigger than before and are only really massive if I don't feed for a good few hours.

Just one thing, slightly off topic but a good bit of advice if your going to BF- don't think you have no milk in the first few days, as I said earlier, it can take up to a week for your milk to come in and up until then the baby is fine on what it can get. In fact babies don't actually 'need' to eat in the first 24-48 hours.

Good luck with it all, I hope your LO makes an appearance soon :D

Alex xxx
ASD123456 said:
Your milk will probably come in round day 3 (could be up to 7 days) and when it does you will resemble Pammy for a week or so, then it calms right down and they settle. Mine are now only slightly bigger than before and are only really massive if I don't feed for a good few hours.

Just one thing, slightly off topic but a good bit of advice if your going to BF- don't think you have no milk in the first few days, as I said earlier, it can take up to a week for your milk to come in and up until then the baby is fine on what it can get. In fact babies don't actually 'need' to eat in the first 24-48 hours.

Good luck with it all, I hope your LO makes an appearance soon :D

Alex xxx

thanks hun :hug: :hug:
i love this site, always get the answers i need hehe xx
dont panic like probably every first-time breast-feeder and think u got no milk. u WONT have proper milk for up to FIVE DAYS! its a very concentrated stuff colostrum u get first and i'll be honest it is a bit nerve-wracking coz it doesnt SEEM like anything is coming out. but one day u will wake up with rock hard melons on ur chest and a wet patch :lol: if ur already leaking thats a good sign. mine didnt leak apart from one tiny drop on one occasion at 38 weeks but still i had an abundant supply
trixipaws said:
dont panic like probably every first-time breast-feeder and think u got no milk. u WONT have proper milk for up to FIVE DAYS! its a very concentrated stuff colostrum u get first and i'll be honest it is a bit nerve-wracking coz it doesnt SEEM like anything is coming out. but one day u will wake up with rock hard melons on ur chest and a wet patch :lol: if ur already leaking thats a good sign. mine didnt leak apart from one tiny drop on one occasion at 38 weeks but still i had an abundant supply

thans for reply hun, its so strange how our bodies work. that they know you've delivered baby etc madness hehe xx
My milk didn't come in for 8 days, which does happen, (usually after a traumatic doesn't happen a lot but it has been known) so I ended up having to top up a very small amount of formula once a day until it came on, then I stopped when the milk came in.

My boobs didn't change at all during pregnancy, only slightly bigger but not much at all. Not sore, nothing. I was worried beforehand but it's fine and BF is going absolutely fine now. I did find that my boobs changed gradually, after the milk came in. :hug:
My boobs hadn't leaked for a few days, then I read and replied to this post, looked at prams on ebay and after about 10 mins I started leaking, emotions and the brain must play a big part in the whole milk stimulation process!
My boobs havent changed at all this time! Not any bigger, not been sore, havent leaked etc! With all my others my bust nearly bust lol so I was also concerned until I posted here! I agree this site is great! :cheer:

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