Bloody Peterborough Hospital........................


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Had a scan at 14 weeks booked (or so i thought) to check a cyst on my right ovary turned up and the appointment didnt register on their screen when i got there but they fitted me in anyway, at the same time of booking that appointment i also booked my detailed scan (which is for this coming monday, very very excited) but i just thought today perhaps i should ring them to confirm the appointment, well good job i did as it wasnt there again, they said they cant fit me in monday but can do the tuesday. i booked it specifically that day as i couldnt do the rest of the week as i am covering for holidays at work. i explained this so they gave me an emergency slot. THEY BETTER NOT RUSH TO DO THE SCAN AS ITS AN EMERGENCY SLOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rant rant rant i am so bloody angry with them. :evil: :evil: :evil:
How annoying that they managed to make the same mistake twice!
Its a good job you rang up could have had a wasted journey and been very dissapointed.

Hopefully next time they will actually put you on the system
Aaaah the joys of Peterborough District Hospital!!!!! :lol:

Btw Is Miss Steel your consultant?

Chris reckons she's a miserable moo cus she's getting on a bit and hasn't had "a good seeing to" :rotfl:

Doubt they would rush your scan as 20wk one is very important!! I have been lucky with the sonographers there esp the one who did my 20w scan.

Good luck and make sure you get all the time you need!! :hug:

Sarah xxx
Oh hospitals are pains for that arent they? Thank goodness they fit you in both times!! :cheer:

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