bit of a moan....sorry


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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dont get me wrong, I am over the moon to be pregnant... i really am, but right now I feel so awful I could burst into tears at any given moment.

I started with m/s at 7 weeks and have vomited every day at least twice a day for the last 2 wks... i feel so sick all day from when i wake up to when i go to bed and i am so tired. I know these are all symptoms and in a crazy kind of way I am glad to have them, but some days I feel so isolated and awful

My OH tries to understand, but at the moment he's able to carry on as normal.. he went out last night and came in at 2am - now i dont mind cos its not like he doesn it every week but part of me is envious that i wasnt there socialising with our friends... its not the pregnancy getting me down its these blasted first tri symptoms and i'm really worried they'll never stop! plus i have to wait another 2 weeks for my scan and obviously thats 2 weeks of additional worrying that everythings ok..

sorry if i sound like i'm whinging, i just needed to get it all out before i go crazy :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Just think of your little one- it will all be worth it in the end :hug:
i felt exactly the same as you do. i wasfeeling sick and it affected me alot more at night, i was incredibly happy i was pregnant but then again i was missing out on so much with my friends and everything aswell. it felt like they were leaving me behind and having all my fun as well :(

dont feel like your the only one hunni cos loads of people get it,
and its understandable your going to be tired, your bodies working over time to get everyting ready to makeyour baby cosy for the rest of the pregnancy, the sickness shouldnt last much longer hunni just think its for the baby. your bodies getting used to little one.

for me i got annoyed aswell becase i had no proof i had a baby in me. like yeah i had the test i did 4 test they were all positive, that was proof, i had been confirmed and had met my midwife, but i still wasnt satisfied,
untill i had my scan at 11 weeks and it made me feel amazing, like that little life in me was why i was donig it all. and i had a picture, REAL proof i was doing it all for an amazing brilliant reason.

all can suggest is keep positive hunni its all for your little one :)
maybe you should have some nights in with your friends at yours. at least if you feel ill your at home and in a comfrtable place. and your getting to socialise with them..
and hopefuly the sickness will wear off soon aswell :)
have a hug.. :hug: :hug: sorry i ran on abit.

take care
ah hun, please dont worry im sorry your feeling rough

Soon your have your baby in your arms and know that its all worth it

I just wanna give you hugs and im here if you wanna chat, good luck with scan :hug: :hug:
thanks guys.... i know it will all be worth it... feel a little better today o m hoping am coming out the other side of m/s... :wave:
im glad to hear that hun i know it cant be that nice but soon it will be over with

take care hun sending big hugs :hug: :hug:
thanks tracey.... i was very hormonal yesterday too which didnt help... damn hormone levels!!!
ah hun :hug: :hug:

Thats something i can so sympathase with, oh i hate these hormones in a way ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, :wall:

But a suppose like m/s they will be worth it, chin up hun, here if you need a chat :hug: :hug:

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