Birthing pools


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2014
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Seriously considering trying it with this little tyke :)
Can anyone offer any advise please?

I'm looking for the nitty gritty details that ppl don't mention, or details overlooked.

Unfortunately there's only 1 pool in my hospital and my midwife wants to know thoughts in 2 weeks.

Any insight into the whole thing (temperature, smellies, afterbirth etc) would be massively appreciated :D

I found it to be amazing! Getting out to be examined made everything so heavy it was horrible! Definitely try it, if it's not for you , you can just get out x
There's only one in our hospital too and I don't want to get my hopes up about using it. Need to see if I can bring my own! Will be following this thread for the ins and outs of it :) xx
I had a home waterbirth and it was amazing!

Temperatures: 36 for established labour/active then increase when about to give birth to 37. I didnt put smellies in as had room scents and didnt want our baby ingesting essential oils...(assuming thats what you meant by smellies?), after 10mins with baby in pool I wanted out for afterbirth, should be able to do either if your midwife is happy to do afterbirth in pool but I got out and whilst was having baby hugs, it was delivered into a waiting jug lol...

I got in and out a lot in early labour so was dry for examinations, they could check babies HB underwater as well as my pulse. you just have to remember to ensure you drink glass of water per hr and get out for toilet every hr...oh and take some flannels...cold flannels were a lifesaver in active phase...!!

outfitwise if you want to be modest to begin with I highly recommend a halter tied bikini top and tied bottoms (both sides) as was so easy to get on and off but towards active phase you dont want them lol...try and get ambient lighting too and see if they'll let you play chilling music...plenty of towels r a no brainer and if you find birthing on your knees more productive like myself them remember to stretch your legs!!
I'm hoping for a water birth
I have fibromyalgia so hoping that the warm water will soothe my acheyness x
Hi Mrs, I thought to myself this'll work as won't get the numbness/pins and needles of being on land and for a time it worked but they do eventually turn up...especially if like me you are in the water for 10hours or more...
I'm hoping I get to use the pool at the hospital I'm going to, worst case all rooms have a reasonable bath do water will be involved to some extent haha.

I'm thinking of taking a nursing crop top style bra, think this could work? Figure if I hate it can take it off, as for downstairs I think I'm just going to give that a miss and go commando from the start hehe they better get use to see me :)

What are people's experiences in relation to when you get in?? I kind of wanted to leave until things are well under way. Also how did partners find it???
I had my second son in a birthing pool and it was brilliant. Contractions were definitely easier to cope with when in the water. They could check babys heartbeat etc while i was in there so i didn't need to get out at all once i had got in there. I gave birth in there and held my son while in there. I got out to deliver the placenta and everything went fine. I am definitely going to try and have this baby in the birthing pool as well, i'm v lucky that my hospital has a fantastic birthing suite which has many large rooms , each with their own birthing pool in there :) Oh and in relation to what to wear i got in there completely naked!!! I had given birth before and couldnt care less what people thought of my body by that stage!! I wasnt cold at all. My partner enjoyed the experience and said it was amazing to see baby being born in water. I got in the water when i think i was about 6 or 7 cm dilated and wasnt in there for long before i felt i needed to push!!!
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I am also hoping for a water birth so will keep an eye on this thread. My hospital also only has one pool I believe so really hoping I get to use it.
Thanks so much kitten and Jenny. I've been browsing today for the sort of thing I would wear. Was thinking halter neck bikini but I'm not sure whether it would irritate me or not. Defo want something on bottom to start with lol.
For smellies someone said aromatherapy oils - it this true? Would definitely want something nice like that.....I'm a sucker for a bath which smells nice ;) x
I wore a stapless boob tube thing and had no bottoms x
Hi guys, glad to be of assistance, as I was at home I could get in quite early but I made sure my OH timed my contractions when I did and sure enough they were the same frequency. Once I was in established labour the next day and dilating I was in for probably half the day getting out for toilet breaks or for a few hrs at a time. I was then in solidly for the active phase from 6pm-11pm. My OH thought it was great and could see how it was helping me, just ensure you have a stock of flannels on hand because with the water temperature and your own temperature esp towards the end you need something to keep you cool and someone to constantly run cold water over it hence why a few for rotation...oh and drink plenty, you need more water with a waterbirth due to water temperature...I tried to drink a glass of water an hour but not to guzzle it (you want to keep yourself well dehyrated but also keep an empty bladder....).
I had a water birth. Was only in the pool for 15 minutes before she was here. But the water was lush and warm. It was amazing being able to lift my daughter out of the water and be the first one to touch her!!
Dw about mess or doing anything else in the pool.
Do you have to lift the baby out yourself or can the midwife do it? If love to but I'd be terrified I'd drop them :(
Especially with the water/ body gunk and tiredness.....
How is baby monitored in the water???? Sooooooo many questions lol

I was talking to hubby last night about potentially doing it at home.....for those of you that did it at home, did u rent pools or buy them?? Xx
I like the thought of them coming out kinda pre washed
Like... I could seriously see me asking if i could go over them with a sponge and some Johnsons 2in1 wash haha!
They r brilliant, dont worry about hurting bubba but it is your choice if you want to lift them out unless hospital has some policy about it...? I bought my pool so we could have plenty of dry runs (strongly recommend you do this so you know how long it takes to fill/empty and how comfortable the temperature is for you not to mention just relaxing in late pregnancy...we had about 5 dry runs...

ask your midwife about waterproof hb monitors thats what mine did, every 15mins or so they just reached down with it and had to remain still for approx 10 secs. they usually do this immediately after a contraction.

yes they do come out effectively pre-washed but prepare for the first toilet explosion of meconium which our DD did within 10mins of coming out of the water! poor hubby used a whole tissue box trying to clean her while I was delivering placenta lol...

it is a controversial topic but we started with just cotton wool/tissues with warm water, we're going to avoid introducing wipes and bath cleaners until at least six weeks giving her skin time to toughen up a bit but it is entirely down to opinion...

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