BFP :-)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hey guys, just to let you know, after 6 months of trying I´ve finally got my BFP. Currently 2 days late and was going to wait till I got back from holiday a week on Sunday but caved! I´m so excited, and thankful for all the advice you have given me! :cheer:
Here's hoping its my month this month too!
PS: Have you had any symptoms??? Keep convincing myself i feel sick...but you know what the 2ww is like for ones sanity!!!!!
yay another bfp thts 4 today :)

congratz hun :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations :cheer:

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy :D
omg congrats, your the 4th one i have read about on here today!
Yay fantastic news! How many people got their BFPs yesterday!

Congratulations :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Think we're due on same day! :dance:
Congratulations!!!:D :D :D

Hope you have a Happy & Healthy 9 months.

:dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :clap:
Thank you, I´m still in shock, convinced I´m gonna come on! I´m on holiday at the moment, just wanna get home and check with the doctor that everythings okay! Anna, I´ve had symptoms the whole of the 2WW. First of all, there was just this feeling I wasn´t going to come on and that I was pregnant, then the usual sore and veiny bbs, occasional wave of nausea, creamy CM, weird abdo pains and ´shifting´, then when AF was due they all disappeared. What made me test was becaue AF was late and did´t expect it to be positive atall. I tested a week ago and got a BFN. Since finding out though, I´m really tired and emotional and get really hungry, then sick after I´ve eaten, weeing alot..and that´s it!
I got my BFP today aswell, my periods are normally irregular so didnt think anything about a late period. Felt 'weird' the last week or so, so did a test today.

Good job i was sitting down!!!!

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